52 Weeks of Nature Art | Nature Inspired Art Project for 2016!

Blog posts of my progress so far below!

Hello March! My Intentions for the month ahead

Hello March! My Intentions for the month ahead

A new month, a new lovely goal list to keep moving forward on this fabulous creative life! I'll be heading back to the UK in a few days, so many of the paintings I started here in Spain will be left for when I return in May!....Here are some of my goals and focus...

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Small Wonders for February 2024

Small Wonders for February 2024

Happy February 29th everyone! Such joy to have this extra day! So the last day of the month means a celebration of my Small Wonders. Here are mine for February: 🌸 Publishing my new Coloring Book - Coloring Botanical Blooms, Bouquets and Mandalas (thanks to all who...

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My New Botanical Coloring Book is here! YAY!

My New Botanical Coloring Book is here! YAY!

I am SUPER EXCITED! The 150 page Botanical Blooms Coloring Book I have been working on is finally out in the world! You are the first to know! I have poured my heart into the designs inside this book AND the layout /cover which I did myself for the first time!  I...

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Hello February! My Intentions for the month ahead

Hello February! My Intentions for the month ahead

Happy February! A few days in and I am getting excited for a new painting commission coming up this month whilst I am in Spain.  As part of my Big Dreams, Small Wonders practice I shared with you in my last newsletter, I am also setting intentions for the month...

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Small Wonders for January 2024

Small Wonders for January 2024

What Small Wonders are you celebrating for January? Hi everyone, hope your January has been wonderful! I want to be more conscious in capturing the little wins that happen in this creative life! So on the last day of each month, I’ll be sharing my Small Wonders. I...

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Sharing My 2024 Year Ahead Spread with you!

Sharing My 2024 Year Ahead Spread with you!

A few days ago, I pulled 13 cards from my Chakra Color Cards to help guide me with an overall theme for the year and also a color/chakra and affirmation to focus on for each month. I shuffled the cards and placed them around in a circle starting with 1 for...

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GIVEAWAY! Win 111 Arty Classes worth $5700

GIVEAWAY! Win 111 Arty Classes worth $5700

Would be interested in entering this giveaway that I am contributing an art class for? There are over 111 arty products worth $5700 from more than 90 artists!  From time to time, I get invited to participate in online retreats, summits and arty collaborations! I...

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A peek into my process during #inktoberwithlouise

A peek into my process during #inktoberwithlouise

I have been having fun with my Botanical Inktober prompts so far this month and we are halfway through already! I also posted a couple of short videos on my YouTube channel if you would like to see. More info below. There is a hint of Autumn here in Spain, but all the...

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Nature, our Medicine and Free pdf inside!

Nature, our Medicine and Free pdf inside!

Hello creative friend! ❤️ The seasonal shift is happening here in Spain and its so wonderful to feel the cooler air in the mornings and light cool breeze in the afternoon. This is a time for honoring the seasonal shifts and also taking some time for yourself. Time to...

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Art Inspiration: Creative Color Wheels!

Art Inspiration: Creative Color Wheels!

I think it is fair to say that we all LOVE color! I know it can feel a little daunting sometimes when you are new to using color and mixing it, so I have color mixing videos in all of my color classes, so you can feel confident with mixing colors to get started! Here...

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Art Inspiration: Motif to Mandala (free pdf inside)

Art Inspiration: Motif to Mandala (free pdf inside)

I've had lots of lovely followers message me asking questions about my books recently and a lovely flurry of book sales! (THANK YOU) And with my Draw and Paint Botanical Motifs class being on sale for only $39.99 here, I thought I would share...

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Healing with Color + #The100DayProject 2022!

Healing with Color + #The100DayProject 2022!

Hello creative friend! ❤️  Happy Valentines weekend! As I write this, 100's of beautiful LOVE themed postcards are being received around the world in our global heART exchange. I can feel the love in the air! Join our community here to see the beautiful designs...

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5 Things That Make Me Smile – Oct. 31, 2021

5 Things That Make Me Smile – Oct. 31, 2021

Happy Sunday! I have to say its so lovely spending time thinking about all the things making me smile in my week and recording them here every Sunday! Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. This practice began as a way to celebrate the small wonders (from this class) that...

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5 Things That Make Me Smile – Oct. 24, 2021

5 Things That Make Me Smile – Oct. 24, 2021

Happy Sunday! I have to say its so lovely spending time thinking about all the things making me smile in my week and recording them here every Sunday! Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. This practice began as a way to celebrate the small wonders (from this class) that...

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5 Things That Make Me Smile – Oct. 17, 2021

5 Things That Make Me Smile – Oct. 17, 2021

Happy Sunday! I have to say its so lovely spending time thinking about all the things making me smile in my week and recording them here every Sunday! Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. This practice began as a way to celebrate the small wonders (from this class) that...

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5 Things That Make Me Smile – Oct. 10, 2021

5 Things That Make Me Smile – Oct. 10, 2021

Happy Sunday! I have to say its so lovely spending time thinking about all the things making me smile in my week and recording them here every Sunday! Hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. This practice began as a way to celebrate the small wonders (from this class) that...

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I am embarking on a wonderful new ‘year long’ project to explore and create more art focusing on the beauty of nature. I will post prompts and any artwork on our Facebook group here and updates to this page as the year progresses. YAY! If you would like to join in, below are the themes I plan to focus on for the next month. {please note – these may change}

I plan to focus on a subject each week and will be posting primarily on Instagram using the hashtag #52weeksofnatureart (also on my Facebook art page) If you would like to join in, I would love to see your photos, drawings and art! Here is my invitation to you.


Week 40: Fallen Leaves {3 October)
Week 41: Pinecone {10 Oct}
Week 42: Autumn Colors{17 Oct}
Week 43: Pumpkins {24 Oct}
Week 44: Poppy {31 Oct}


Week 45: Tree Trunks {7 Nov}
Week 46: Acorns and Chestnuts {14 Nov}
Week 47: Robin Redbreast {21 Nov}
Week 48: Spider Webs {28 Nov}


Week 49: Winter Berries {5 Dec}
Week 50: Snowflakes {12 Dec}
Week 51: Holly {19 Dec}
Week 52: Poinsettia {26 Dec}


Week 1: Leaves {see review here} Week 2: Wood {see review here} Week 3: Succulents {see review here} Week 4: Pods {see review here}

FEBRUARY – From the Beach

Week 5: Shells  {see review here} Week 6: Stones {starts Monday 8 February} Week 7: Seaweed {starts Monday 15 February} Week 8: Starfish {starts Monday 21 February} 9: Sea urchins (28 February)


Week 10: Buds {7 March}, Week 11: Blossom {14 March} Week 12: Magnolia {21 March}, Week 13: Daffodils {28 March}


Week 14: Tulips {4 April}, Week 15: Hyacinth {11 April} Week 16: Peonies {18 April}, Week 17: Spring Bouquets {25 April}, 


Week 18: Feathers {2 May}, Week 19: Cactus {9 May} Week 20: Palm trees {16 May}, Week 21: Mountains {23 May}, Week 22: Big Sky {30 May}


Week 23: Roses {6 June}, Week 24: Hibiscus {13 June} Week 25: Bird of Paradise {20 June}, Week 26: Dahlia {27 June}


Week 27:  Butterflies {4 July}, Week 28: Lady birds/bugs {11 July} Week 29: Seagulls {18 July}, Week 30: Fish {25 July}


Week 31: Wisteria {1 August}, Week 32: Sweet pea {8 August} Week 33: Bougainvillea {15 August}, Week 34: daisies {22 August}, Week 35: wild flowers {29 August}


Week 36: the sea {5 September}, Week 37: the moon {12 September} Week 38: the sun {19 September}, Week 39: the stars {26 September}