wood 52 weeks of nature art

Week 2 of 52 Weeks of Nature Art was all about wood! I loved to dive into observing the patterns of wood grains this week which seemed to be my main focus. Here are some of my creations…..

wood collection 52 weeks of nature art

I started with collecting wood from the beach. We had some stormy weather so there were lots of wonderful finds to be had! Above is my collection. So many different patterns, grains and you might even be able to see faces or other beings in these?

wood grain drawing 52 weeks of nature art

I decided to focus mostly on the patters of grains in wood so took a slice of wood I had on my balcony to sketch. It was very therapeutic to draw out all the gorgeous lines of the wood and capture its essence in the above drawing.

wood grain paint 52 weeks of nature art

I then added some deep brown watercolor paint to really capture the chocolately color of the wood. It was a lot of fun to glide the paintbrush along the lines and variate the tones. I used some wet on wet techniques to also create some of the texture you can see in the wood.

watercolor grain 52 weeks of nature art

Fascinated by the wood grain, I then went on to create lines with watercolor, painting from the center outwards, variating the colors and tones. It was alot of fun painting these.

watercolor grain 52 weeks of nature art

I then painted another watercolor grain ontop of a watercolor burst background. I absolutely loved this! It felt like a world within a world was being created. Something very cosmic about it all.

louise & wood house on beach 52 weeks of nature art

Again this week, so much to explore with just this one theme! I love this little wood sculpture that I found on the beach, big enough to sit inside.

View more images as they unfold from the 52 Weeks of Nature Inspired Art here.


Participant images

Thank you to all who shared their images on Instagram using the #52weeksofnatureart hashtag. So much fun to see what you came up with and thank you for sharing! Here are a few I gathered to showcase. See all the gorgeous images here. We also have a Facebook group where participants are sharing there too.

participant work 52 weeks of nature art

Top row: @jane_delorenzo | @fifieldhouse | @4ravens

Bottom row: @kara.peters | @5novaks | @soosie_stackhouse

Would you like to join me? Here are the deets

a year of nature inspired artEach week in 2016, I’ll be focusing on a particular theme from nature.

I will post the theme every Monday and pop my photos, sketches and any creations I feel inspired to share on my Instagram and also my Facebook artist page, using the hashtag #52weeksofnatureart.

If you would like to join me, you can find the upcoming themes on the main page here and ways you can share your findings along the way!

I am excited to travel this nature art journey with you and thank you for connecting with me here, via my newsletter or social media.
