Week 3 of 52 Weeks of Nature Art was all about Succulents! Such beautiful natural mandalas, it was fun to explore the different kinds at my local garden center and on Pinterest.
First of all, I had fun capturing all the gorgeous lines and shapes found in the succulents I brought home from the garden center.
Adding some bright green watercolor to my sketchbook page really helped make my drawings ‘pop’.
And I even created a lovely coloring page for a future book project!
I decided to really spend time being patient with my watercolors! (a big learning curve for me at the moment) to capture the beautiful colors in one of the succulents.
So amazing to really look at the succulent and see all the beautiful colors reflected such as purples, greens and reds.
Then finally a succulent mandala in watercolor greens and yellows.
View more images as they unfold from the 52 Weeks of Nature Inspired Art here.
Participant images
Thank you to all who shared their images on Instagram using the #52weeksofnatureart hashtag. So much fun to see what you came up with and thank you for sharing! Here are a few I gathered to showcase. See all the gorgeous images here. We also have a Facebook group where participants are sharing there too.
Top row: @blossomrising | @fabienne.tosi | @kara.peters
Middle row: @soosie_stackhouse | @jane_delorenzo | @5novaks
Bottom row: @4ravens | @cathringressieker | @aprils.house
Would you like to join me? Here are the deets
Each week in 2016, I’ll be focusing on a particular theme from nature.
I will post the theme every Monday and pop my photos, sketches and any creations I feel inspired to share on my Instagram and also my Facebook artist page, using the hashtag #52weeksofnatureart.
If you would like to join me, you can find the upcoming themes on the main page here and ways you can share your findings along the way!
I am excited to travel this nature art journey with you and thank you for connecting with me here, via my newsletter or social media.