by Louise | Energy; thoughts & earth, Life in Spain
My lovely friend Jennifer Belthoff asked me to participate in a little virtual weekly blog hop. This is something quite different to my Monday posts so I was delighted with the opportunity to take some time out to ponder the questions asked of me. You can see...
by Louise | Dream Journal, Energy; thoughts & earth, Grounding/Earthing
“I am living the dream” journal page in my Journal I’ve been talking about visioning and dreaming in the “Big Dreams, Small Wonders” class this week and writing some lessons with stories on synchronicity. {yummy love this!} Then something...
by Louise | Dream Journal, Energy; thoughts & earth
Happy New Year to you! or ¡Feliz Año 🙂 My wish to myself on New Years Eve (bubbly in hand) was to take it slow into 2014. I am so grateful for taking this first week to quietly glide into this wonderful new year. The lovely Barbara Bizui who I took a class with many...
by Louise | Energy; thoughts & earth, Grounding/Earthing, Life in Spain, Nature Poems
Today over at yourheartmakesadifference, the ’30 days of gratitude’ prompt is “nature” so I really felt a pull to write about this today and post a video poem I wrote a couple of days ago. “Grounding” has been my word for 2013. When...
by Louise | Energy; thoughts & earth, Handmade Books
I am very excited to be joining in over at my other site, as we embark on 30 days of gratitude. {This month the color challenge is taking a little break} 🙂 I started ‘your heART makes a difference’ in November 2011 to help generate positive energy out into...
by Louise | Energy; thoughts & earth, Nature Art | Collections, Tutorials
Over time our homes and creative spaces may become a little stagnant or accumulate negative energies as people and situations come and go. In addition to clearing space and energy in your home, it is always a wonderful experience to smudge yourself too! Smudge sticks...