by Louise | Dream Journal, Energy; thoughts & earth, Grounding/Earthing
“I am living the dream” journal page in my Journal I’ve been talking about visioning and dreaming in the “Big Dreams, Small Wonders” class this week and writing some lessons with stories on synchronicity. {yummy love this!} Then something...
by Louise | Energy; thoughts & earth, Grounding/Earthing, Life in Spain, Nature Poems
Today over at yourheartmakesadifference, the ’30 days of gratitude’ prompt is “nature” so I really felt a pull to write about this today and post a video poem I wrote a couple of days ago. “Grounding” has been my word for 2013. When...
by Louise | Energy; thoughts & earth, Grounding/Earthing, Paintings & Mixed Media
My word of the year for 2013 is “grounding”. When I spoke about this a few months ago, I had no idea of the impact and need my body and soul had for this ‘word’. I have to be honest here, I have been struggling with something...
by Louise | Energy; thoughts & earth, Grounding/Earthing
Every year, side by side with many of my creative kindreds, I choose a word to live by for the year ahead. A word to help me focus on what I want to attract into my life, the feelings, people, places and experiences. It always takes me a few days following the new...