Today over at yourheartmakesadifference, the ‘30 days of gratitude‘ prompt is “nature” so I really felt a pull to write about this today and post a video poem I wrote a couple of days ago. “Grounding” has been my word for 2013. When I chose this word, I had no idea how important this practice was going to be for me this year. {or maybe deep down I did}
Over the past year or so, I have become more and more sensitive to technology, being around it, even being in a room or a house that has wifi on constantly 24/7. I feel it buzzing through me, I get a tightening in my ears with a weird pulsing sound and my body starts to feel lethargic and energy through my body and chakra’s feel ‘blocked”. I also get what essentially is known as ‘brain fog’. The most challenging aspect is not being able to sleep or waking up tired and drained.
This is the main reason I do not own a cell/mobile phone (2 years and counting!), do not have wifi or any other wifi/smart enabled gadgets and try my very best to limit my computer time (not easy!). There are very few that are aware they are sensitive to this and not many people know this about me, so you may be surprised to hear me speak of it. I am thankful to the universe that I have become aware of this, as it constantly reminds me of the importance of grounding, connecting ourselves with nature and meditating on a regular basis.
Just one of the beautiful images I have taken of a sunrise here on the south coast of Spain.
As I mentioned in my post here and then again here, grounding {in an electrical power sense} is all about removing the excess charge on an object. Grounding is a process that helps the body to connect to earth energies, specifically the electrons that are naturally part of the earth.
The earth’s electrons are conducted to our body, bringing us closer in tune with the earth itself, meaning it’s tranquil energy naturally transfers to us when we are in it. Walking barefoot will get rid of the build up of any electrical stress (which is the main reason I do this every single day). It helps keep our immune system in tact by providing our body with these much needed electrons.
I now spend every morning at sunrise on the beach, watching the sun peek itself above the ocean horizon. I sit with my barefeet in the sand and a mug of hot water and fresh lemon (sometimes with Himalayan salt, sometimes with cayenne pepper!) to help me get started for a new day ahead, to connect and to essentially ‘reset’ myself.
Here is a short video meditation where I share just one of the glorious sunrises I have experienced here in Spain and a poem I wrote about grounding and how nature heals. I hope you enjoy it and it inspires you to find your own connection with nature today. I wrote another poem about ‘nature is our medicine’ here too.
I recorded this video on Sunday morning, then sat and wrote this poem. Being in the present moment always inspires me to write and I would love to do more of these.
Grounding – a short poem video meditation from Louise Gale on Vimeo.
nature my medicine, you heal me, calm me, connect me
mother earth, like an earthly mother, you nurture me, nourish me and protect me
thank you for my morning ritual, the sound of the ocean, the stillness of this moment
before the day begins
barefeet in the sand, the cold, fresh and grounding sand.
here it comes, the sun to greet the day, shedding light onto my world.
a new day, a new beginning, a new opportunity for whatever I want it to bring.
reflections on the ocean, reflections in my life, everything is a reflection of me.
See the birds basking in your light and feeling the breeze lift their wings as they fly across the sky
I feel the connection deepen as my feet sink deeper into the sand, you awaken my toes,
my eyes and mind gaze into the sun
I set my intention for the day…..
nature, everyday you deliver what you promise. thank you