by Louise | Botanical Mandalas Book Project, Nature Poems
Hello from Bali, where I am writing my book and enjoying some time in nature. Below is a little nature poem I wrote yesterday after I took the photo of the leaf above. I hope it brings a smile or reflective moment to your day. The Universal Om...
by Louise | Life in Spain, Nature Poems
BE FREE by Louise We can find our heaven on earth freedom is our human right from birth to live as we choose and make our own choice to speak freely and opening to use the power of our voice To connect to our kindred, spirits and friends to enjoy traveling this road...
by Louise | Nature Art | Collections, Nature Poems
I love the color and shapes of nature found this week. The silent beige, the vibrant flower and lavender quietly appearing. I love to discover sea fan on the sand after a storm and cuttlefish glistening on the pebbles in the sun. *** “Nature Found” by...
by Louise | Nature Art | Collections, Nature Poems
sea shells so rough, sea shells so smooth soft, shiny surfaces and patterns in your grooves a beach full of infinite beauty, beholds so much the longer I search, the more I touch & ponder the universe inside your spirals the journey you’ve taken with the...
by Louise | Energy; thoughts & earth, Grounding/Earthing, Life in Spain, Nature Poems
Today over at yourheartmakesadifference, the ’30 days of gratitude’ prompt is “nature” so I really felt a pull to write about this today and post a video poem I wrote a couple of days ago. “Grounding” has been my word for 2013. When...