Welcome to Friday Feature! A new weekly feature showcasing artists, designers and lots more. For the next few weeks, I’ll be interviewing some lovely creative souls who have been taking part in the Color Challenge to tell their story of their journey of color and creation.

Michele Burgh

Today we are featuring lovely Michele, who is the host for “Inspired Design” offering Branding, WP Website Design, and Workshops for Creative Professionals. She has also been spreading her own creative wings through the creative color challenge journey.

Michele’s work for the January challenge. Read her blog post here

1) What has your journey with color been like so far?

I have loved this journey with color. I find it so wonderful and helpful to have a reason to create something when life gets so busy and I don’t always take the time otherwise.  I found it fascinating that the months where I hated the colors and thought I’d have a really hard time doing the challenge and almost didn’t do it, it went great and I really enjoyed it.  Then where I was really excited about the colors and thought it would be really easy, it wasn’t.  Great reminder of the value of stepping outside of our box and taking a risk.

Michele’s work for the February color challenge.

2) Tell us a little about the mediums/materials that you like to use? If the challenge is more difficult for you depending on the materials you use, please tell us about that.

For this challenge, I have done all digital art.  This is a new medium for me outside of graphic design for businesses and I’m really enjoying the process.  It doesn’t require a bunch of supplies and makes no mess:)  Outside of this challenge, I love to use oil paints, pastels, watercolors, acrylics, etc.  I tend to reserve these for class settings where I don’t have to worry about my carpet since I don’t have a great space to do it in.

Michele’s work on the March color challenge. Read her blog post here

3) What has been your favorite color to create in?

I really have enjoyed some of the pink tones but this was, interestingly the most difficult color in the challenge for me.  I use it all the time otherwise, without thinking.  I think over thinking it is what led to my challenge.

4) What is it about this color that makes it so fabulous for you?

I just love the richness of the bright tones. They feel passionate and alive and rich and yummy!

Michele’s work on the May color challenge. Read her blog post here

5) How has the color challenge helped you stretch and explore color more?

There is just so much value in trying colors I wouldn’t normally work with and not assuming or always going with my natural instincts so that my work doesn’t all look the same and I’m constantly growing and challenging myself.


6) In what ways has it enhanced other parts of your life?

As I look at my answer in #5, I realize that this is just a metaphor for life.  Being willing to grow and take risks makes me a better person and, in turn, it’s better for the world.

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely work with us

Connect with Michele here: Website | online course website


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Please email Louise with a short introduction and links to your lovely work.




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