by Louise | Classes & Gatherings, Handmade Books
I have been in hand-made heaven creating a beautiful little “Rainbow Energy Joy Journal” for my upcoming colour & energy classes There is a gorgeous hand crafted page for each colour of the rainbow – full of colour, affirmations, windows,...
by Louise | Classes & Gatherings, Handmade Books
Rainbow Energy Joy Journal from Louise Gale on Vimeo. This class is being hosted on the “One Little house” art website, so please pop over there to register. Class starts on Monday July 21st and is $35 What we’ll be doing: In this class, we...
by Louise | Handmade Books
Since taking Rachel Hazell’s expandable book class at The Do What you Love Retreat this May, I have been dreaming about making a series of mini journals focusing on gratitude, affirmations, love and simply beautiful and yummy things. (check out the “Journey of heart”...
by Louise | Handmade Books
Yes! I am in hand-made heaven at the moment. Since taking Rachel Hazell’s expandable book class at The Do What you Love Retreat this May, I have been dreaming about making a series of mini journals focusing on gratitude, affirmations, love and simply...
by Louise | Handmade Books
Hi everyone, I am honored to be part of Sandie’s blog hop today to celebrate her blogiversary with the theme of “Celebration” Today I’d like to celebrate friendship. My NYC “bestie” is leaving America today to go back to Australia....
by Louise | Handmade Books
When I signed up to the Do What you Love Retreat, I was not only excited to be in Rachel Hazell’s Book Art class, but also to be her teaching assistant for the 3 days. (no “real” work really required, just a lot of chocolate and cake eating, tea...