by Louise | Classes & Gatherings, Nature Art | Collections, Sketchbook
I have been spending time this week again, collecting for the #NatureTrailSketchbook class and thought I would share this collection I placed together. Some lovely diverse shapes and I also realised everything is either white, cream or brown. Such a soothing natural...
by Louise | Classes & Gatherings, Creative Challenges, Nature Art | Collections, Sketchbook
I’ve been having a wonderful time creating more pages in my #NatureTrailSketchbook from class. We are just on day 8 and already I have close to three sketchbooks on the go! Today I thought I would create one more piece for the Monthly Challenge and I recorded a...
by Louise | Colour, Nature Art | Collections, Nature Mandala's, Sketchbook
On the beach this week, I doodled a mandala and collected fallen hibiscus buds. These beautiful vibrant red buds are abundant where I live and on the way to the beach, there is a magnificent red hibiscus bush that is always shedding buds onto the ground. I cannot help...