S_peek_mandala&hibiscusjournal600On the beach this week, I doodled a mandala and collected fallen hibiscus buds. These beautiful vibrant red buds are abundant where I live and on the way to the beach, there is a magnificent red hibiscus bush that is always shedding buds onto the ground. I cannot help but pick them up to hold, sketch or make a nature mandala from. The mandala in my sketchbook was an ode to the buds and you can see them around the edge of my doodle. {above}

I tend to keep multiple smaller sized sketchbooks around me for capturing ideas, doodles, observations and lists! So hope to share some more with you over the coming weeks as I dive back in to more sketching and slowing down. This time of year is so amazing and there are so many beautiful inspiring images around. I cant wait to explore!

I also love to observe nature with my macro lens and I adore the color that comes through from images of the hibiscus

hibiscus photo

I laid the buds on my doodle in my sketchbook and just loved the vibrant soft red against the black and white of the doodle. I spent some time observing the detail in each of the buds. The difference in shape, red tones, creases and yellow seeds inside. Each one perfect and beautiful in its own way.


I then drew the shapes, curves and beauty of one of the buds in my sketchbook and using watercolor pencils to add color and text. I love these beauties!


I couldn’t resist, I just had to make a little mini nature mandala to finish it off and to leave for someone else to find on their beach walk.


I also took more to press inside a sketchbook, as I would love to use them in some artwork, will let you know how they come out. 🙂

Take some time this weekend to observe something in nature. Maybe the breeze through the trees, the sun on the water, flowers as they start to emerge for spring. Look at the shapes, colors, patterns and acknowledge the beauty that is all around us. There is so much to enjoy.
