Nature Trail Sketchbook Collections ©

I have been spending time this week again, collecting for the #NatureTrailSketchbook class and thought I would share this collection I placed together. Some lovely diverse shapes and I also realised everything is either white, cream or brown.

Such a soothing natural palette to work with.

Nature Trail Sketchbook Collections © #NatureTrailSketchbook

I really do love how, when I take time to walk, observe and collect, how diverse the natural found objects can be.

I use this particular collection to sketch out a few patterns I see in the objects and in class, we will be creating our own rubber stamps this week based on our lovely findings.

Nature Trail Sketchbook Collections © #NatureTrailSketchbook


Nature Trail Sketchbook Collections © #NatureTrailSketchbook Nature Trail Sketchbook Collections © #NatureTrailSketchbook

Would you like to join me to explore nature through your sketchbook?

Registration is still open and plenty of time to catch up over the summer

naturetrailsketchbookA nature trail is a short walk in nature, no matter where we live in the world and throughout the class I will inspire you with discoveries from my own nature trails along the quaint alleyways and beaches in Spain and the wild woodlands in the UK.

Wherever our nature trails take us – the beach, the woods, countryside or urban areas, we will create little collections to observe, sketch and inspire as we create our mixed media journal pages.

  • 30 Days
  • 30 Lessons
  • 30+ videos

More information and registration here