I am so happy to share this video of the #10 nature mandala I have created using natural objects found on my daily explorations. The beautiful and colorful hibiscus buds were waiting for me when I went down to the beach front yesterday, I just couldn’t resist, I gathered them all up, grabbed my camera and video and decided to make a special video of this nature mandala.

This is a beautiful process for grounding {my word for the year}, connecting with nature and practicing the art of letting go.

Hope you like it. 🙂

Nature Mandala {color burst} from Louise Gale on Vimeo.

Mandala’s take us into a meditative state whilst creating them and it is very easy to become attached to these lovely little creations, especially when they are so precious – made from natural & found objects.

nature mandala, sacred circle, found objects, mixed media, gratitude

“Thank you universe for all the abundance in my life. I offer this creation as a way of thanks and appreciation for all the beauty you show me on a daily basis. I share this beauty with all”

One of the amazing parts of this process is leaving this nature mandala right where I created it for others to find on their own daily explorations. More nature mandalas can be seen in my portfolio here.

a happy heART project. 🙂

happy heart project - art from the heart, mixed media, color, surface pattern

Creating from the heart, fills your energy field and the world around you with positive vibrations.

In a new monthly series, I’ll be showcasing my own “happy heART projects” in hope of spreading that joy wider.

Art from the heART will make a difference. You can also read more about about the energies of the heart here on “your heART makes a difference”