Some of the gratitude pages we will be making and turning into a book at the library workshop (FREE). More info below..
It’s never a dull moment around here and the last 2 weeks (I’m blaming it on the Mercury Retrograde) have been very challenging to say the least! Lots of technology issues and just unsettling energy in the air – especially since Hurricane Sandy hit our town. It is only just recovering now and people are managing to return to homes to rebuild, refurnish and continue on with their lives.
I have certainly observed the great sense of community here – one of the things I will remember about Hoboken. (my move is only 8 weeks away now!)
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the USA and what a perfect time to really reflect on some of these challenges and opportunities to ensure we are are on the right path for ourselves and thankful for all we do have.
What are the things in life you are thankful for?
Just some of the ‘things’ I am thankful for:
- Family and good friends who support me & comfort me no matter what!
- My new baby nephew
- Being inspired by family and friends constantly
- My creative community (you know who you are!) that constantly inspire, support and share their souls through art
- The freedom to live my life the way I WANT TO LIVE IT! Where I want to live it.
- Creative thoughts and stimulating conversation about the world
- Other creative souls and kind people who support my art and the work I do
- Fairy lights in my everyday
- Talented friends and business souls who employ me to Do What I Love.
- The gift of sight to see color and beauty in my world
- The birds in the trees who tweet to me every morning.
- Good wine and taste buds that savor the good food to accompany it
- The feeling of touch so I can hug the ones I love
- Knowing there is more to life that this reality
- My intuition (that i need to listen to more often!)
- The knowledge to be able to choose what’s best for me
- My bed! (that I will soon be saying goodbye to!)
- Sparkly flipflops
- Good pedicures with reflexology (something else I am going to miss about being in the USA!)
- The ability to let go of material things.
- Being brave to just be me.
I could go on! Why not make a lovely long list yourself….it’s amazing some of the things that come up. 🙂
Click on the FREE gratitude meditation on the right hand side sidebar to help you get into the energy of gratitude.
More of the mini pages.
FREE Workshop at the Hoboken Public Library.
I am so excited to be running 2 FREE workshops at the Hoboken Public Library, courtesy of the library, so if you are in the area, i would LOVE to see you. Below are the dates and please RSVP so we know to expect you and have enough art materials. Please come to both if you can, as part 2 continues on from part 1, but of course it’s okay if you can only come to one. 🙂
Part 1 – Monday, December 3rd at 6pm RSVP HERE
Part 2 – Monday, December 10th at 6pm RSVP HERE
Here is the flyer the library created with more information.
Wishing everyone in the USA a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and best wishes for the upcoming holiday season to all!
Louise xx
sounds great! hope you are well and if you are around over christmas this year let me know 🙂