Welcome to the Small Wonders series.
If you are new here, please check out the introductory post here (from Jan 2011)
Please join me in celebrating at the end of each month seeing all your small wonders appear throughout the year.
February – My Small Wonders this month
- Exploring the east coast of Australia
- Snorkeling with the amazing fish at the Whitsunday’s
- Participating in module 2 of the “art and business of surface pattern design” {LOVING THIS COURSE!}
- Joining the Joy Jam this month with photos from Byron Bay, Airlie & Magnetic Island
- Having a fabulous time creating my dream board for February in Byron Bay.
- Participating in the February color challenge
- Setting up some freelance work with an amazing company. {for when I return to the USA}
- Exploring Auckland
- Attending a friends wedding in Auckland
How I’m going to celebrate these Small Wonders:
- I’m heading off with 2 friends in a campervan exploring the north island of New Zealand.
My Challenges this month were:
- Keeping up with a few things online!
Theme of the month:
- Manifesting new ideas and dreams
March – My intentions and key focus areas:
- Post up and participate in March’s Creative Color Challenge
- Travel around the north and south islands of New Zealand in a campervan
- Cultivate sketches and ideas from the “The art and business of surface pattern” ecourse
- Catch up with friends in Sydney before heading to the UK on 27th
- Spending time with family & friends in Brighton and attending another friends wedding!
It feels good to put it out there! 🙂 Please join me in being brave and sharing below:
- What you are most proud of/what you accomplished this month
- How you are going to acknowledge these moments and celebrate
- If you had a theme for February
- Any challenges you recognized
- Your intentions and focus for the next month
Ready to celebrate? If for some reason, you do not want to share this month, please continue to go through the process, it’s so amazing to realize what the month brought you and what you will focus on next month.
So excited to hear your Small Wonders this month. Xx