This months First Friday Giveaway is all about color. I’m also celebrating a few color related “Joys” this week so I’m pairing it up with the “Joy Jam” so I’d love you to join in on both!

First of all, here are a few colorful things making me smile this week!

1) The lovely coloriscious Elizabeth Harper, featured a piece of my artwork on her weekly color scope.

Check it out below:

2) My color interview all about color and color audio visualizations was featured on the “Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design” e-course {only for registered participants}

3) The Color challenge for 2012 announced! HERE {come join us – it’s FREE}

First Friday Giveaway

As the festive season is almost upon us, I thought I would give away something lovely and colorful AND a meditation that can also help you stay balanced this busy hectic season.  Each color kit comes with a chakra balance so not only will you get to immerse yourself in a color, you will also get to reset your whole body – leaving you relaxed, balanced and energized ready for the festive season ahead.

The winner will receive a color kit including 2 audios and a workbook (with creative prompts, affirmations and lots more!)

TO WIN: Simply pop over to this page to read about the different color visualizations I am offering, choose which color you would like to work with and leave a comment below on why you think this color will help you at the moment or why you’d like to work with the particular color kit you chose.

I will choose a winner {Using the random number selector} on Tuesday and re-post the name here.

GOOD LUCK and happy December!


The lucky winner is comment #13. Congratulations Lee! I’ll email you the free download for the crown chakra/violet – YAY!