by Louise | Dream & Visionboards, Dream Journal, free downloads, Uncategorized
It’s here! Please find below a link to download your FREE 2021 Workbook and Planner. The 77 page ebook is a tiny insight into my online program Big Dreams, Small Wonders which is one of my Dream Life Classes here. I am also...
by Louise | Botanical Mandalas Masterclass, Dream & Visionboards
Hello Creative Friend, how are you? It looks like I’ll be in Costa Rica for at least another month! Hope all is well where you are in the world. We just welcomed in another New Moon on Friday and for this holiday weekend, I felt a pull to create a Mantra Mandala...
by Louise | Dream & Visionboards, Dream Journal, Uncategorized
It’s here! Please find below your FREE download of the 2020 Workbook and Planner. The ebook is a tiny insight into my online program Big Dreams, Small Wonders which I am offering for 50% off! (info below) As 2019 draws to a close, I have been reflecting on all...
by Louise | Dream & Visionboards, Dream Journal
Hello creative friends! How is your 2019 so far? I hope you are having a wonderful January! I know that many of you are taking the Mantra Mandalas AND Big Dreams, Small Wonders classes, so thank you! Both of these classes are such a wonderful way to begin a new year...
by Louise | Dream & Visionboards
Hello! Every January in-between the NEW & FULL MOON, without fail, you will find me creating a visionboard for the year ahead. I would usually plan this to coincide after the new moon and before the full moon in the “Big Dreams, Small Wonders”...
by Louise | Dream & Visionboards, Dream Journal
Hello! Every January in-between the NEW & FULL MOON, without fail, you will find me creating a visionboard for the year ahead. I would usually plan this to coincide after the new moon and before the full moon in the “Big Dreams, Small Wonders”...