Hello creative friend! ❤️Happy February and happy Lunar New Year!
We are currently in the New Moon phase and also the beginning of the Year of the Water Tiger!
With the New Moon entering in the star sign of Aquarius in the Age of Aquarius, I feel some positive energetic universal alignments are on their way!
My entry into 2022 has been a little bumpy which led me to go inwards dramatically these last few weeks, but I am recovering, restoring and reviving with this New Moon!
I had a very bad fall in early January and damaged my back which was very painful and I had no motivation to create or do much at all! AND my whole apartment (+ Art Studio) is currently a building site due to some issues with my walls so I have had to move into a new temporary home.
I am so grateful to a friend who offered her townhouse by the sea to recuperate and stay in until my place is ready to live in again! Below is the lovely view from her roof terrace and I have the most amazing lemon tree in the courtyard which is bringing me daily joy AND daily cleansing lemons!
With the energy of this New Moon, I have set up a new little temporary art studio in one of the spare rooms, so I can start creating again. So despite all of the upheaval that´s been going on, I am still very positive and ready for lots of lovely creative projects in 2022! In this email, I am sharing some creative inspiration and a special offer for you just for this New Moon!
Also this month, the lovely Global Art Swap Group are sending Love around the world in the form of an arty postcard, so lots of Creative heART energy being sent out in the world at the moment. If you are not part of that group, you can join us here and see all the beautiful cards being made and sent.
Dream Big with the New Moon and Lunar New Year!
It is the beginning of the Lunar New Year! The Year of the WATER TIGER!
My lovely Feng Shui tutor says that Tiger Years are full of confidence, strength, courage, creativity, and success. This Water Tiger year puts equal emphasis on rest, rejuvenation, and dynamic balance. A lesson for me too!
It’s a potent time of manifestation and creating an inspiring environment to create your biggest dreams AND a Vision of YOU!
So to kick start me back into creativity, I unpacked my art materials to create a Year of the Tiger Journal page (work in progress below). I brought a bag of art supplies with me, so it’s such a joy to open them up again and get creating once more.
With this Auspicious New Moon, I am also offering you a chance to dream big, work on your own Strength and Creative Power and Spring Clean Your Life in all areas with a special offer for one or all of my Dream Life Classes (offers below). I hope you will join me to really dive into 2022 and the Lunar New Year!
This is the PERFECT time to dive into some Dream Life Visioning and Planning AND a VISION for YOURSELF.
I have included a FREE audio below for you and also a special FLASH SALE on my Dream Life classes so you can get started TODAY and use the power of the NEW MOON and LUNAR NEW YEAR to manifest your dreams for 2022 and beyond.
I know that many of you are taking the Mantra Mandalas AND Big Dreams, Small Wonders classes AND Spring Clean Your Life Journaling class, so thank you! All of these classes are such a wonderful way to set positive intention, clear any blocks and creatively Dream Big!
Flash Sale on all Dream Life Classes!
During my Flash Sale, get the Mantra Mandalas Class for only $49, Big Dreams, Small Wonders for only $67, Spring Clean Your Life Journal class for $69 OR get all 3 classes for $141 (valued at $235) 40% off all Dream Life classes in the bundle here. Offer ends at 11.59pm ET on Tuesday, February 8.
Words and Images together are so powerful and those of you who have been following my work for a while know how much I love visionboards and using these tools to create a life I love!
Creating Visionboards or Dreamboards is a powerful way to attract experiences, people and places for your ‘dream life’. Above is one I create in the Mantra Mandala class.
Even if you are not taking my dream life classes, I wanted to share something that has been particularly resonating with me as I have been working through the Big Dreams process myself for 2022. And that is the power of spending time looking at WHO I AM and essentially creating a VISION OF ME.
Below is one of the ‘VISION OF ME’ mandala projects I share in the Mantra Mandalas class The purpose of this lesson and essentially all of the projects we work on is to be clear on the kind of life we want to create for ourselves (using the Law of Attraction philosophy) and looking inward to become the greatest version of ourselves so we can attract that Dream Life!
Dr. Wayne Dyer, affectionately known as the “father of motivation” by his fans, speaks about ‘The Law of Attraction’ and this is what resonated with me as I worked on many of the projects in the Mantra Mandala class. He says
“The law of attraction is this:
You don’t attract what you want.
You attract what you are.”
A key part to transforming and changing our lives is to understand and connect with our true selves. Valuing ourselves for who we are and having the confidence to be the person we really want to be is so key!
So to begin the journey of becoming the best version of ourselves, we can firstly look at who we are right now, what labels we may give ourselves and how others may currently see us. Then start to vision who we want to be in the world to attract the life we want to live!
What is Your Vision of Your?
Below is a FREE audio which I also share in Big Dreams, Small Wonders to help you clarify who you are. Feel free to download it to keep.
After you listen to audio, spend some time to journal what came up for you. What kind of person would you like to be or become? What small things can you do to help create a Vision of You? I would love to hear any aha moments or ideas that came up for you, so please comment below and let me know.
Above: Another Vision of Me Mantra Mandala project from class.
Creating a Mantra Mandala which focuses on positive words, images and affirmations will help you affirm who you are or want to become, so if this project resonates with you, come and join me in the Mantra Mandalas class (where we also create other Mantra Mandalas!) or dive much deeper into the Big Dream process in my Big Dreams, Small Wonders program here.
One of my journal pages from Spring Clean Your Life class. This journaling class is packed full of videos and downloadable worksheets for your journal (below are just a few your get in class!)
All of my classes are self-paced with lifetime access. A perfect way to journey into your 2022 and beyond!