bali inspirednature mandalas

Ahhhh Bali – it has been wonderful to transport myself back to this magical place this last week or so as I have been revisiting my sketchbooks and nature drawings.

If we are connected on Facebook and Instagram, you may have seen some designs pop up inspired by my sketches from Bali. I was so excited to dive back into some of my photos of my time spent there last year, that I took the sketches from my sketchbook to design some new work.

Here is a little peek into my sketchbook

I basically scanned in my original drawings and created these mandalas digitally using Photoshop. I stopped myself at 8 designs, although I could have quite happily continued on… I am sure I’ll revisit these again soon and create a lovely little library of Bali inspired images to use.

Here is another page from my sketchbook


I started with a simple design  below and then got hooked!


Here are my individual paintings I scanned and used in the designs.



I thought they would look lovely on a few products so have also added these designs to my Society6 shop here (you can see how a few of the designs look on the products below too). I hope you like then. I love the free, fresh feeling of these and have loved creating them as part of my Bali inspired series of work I am putting together.

Bali Inspired Nature Mandala Mixed Media Mandalas

Bali Inspired Nature Mandala Mixed Media Mandalas

Bali Inspired Nature Mandala Mixed Media Mandalas

Bali Inspired Nature Mandala Mixed Media Mandalas

I hope these inspire you to look for mandalas or even create a mandala for yourself. If so, I would love for you to join me in my next online class where we explore mandalas and mixed media – through our sketchbook.

Next class starts: Monday 30 March, 2015

Mixed Media Mandalas online classWould you like to explore the sacred circle and mixed media mandalas further? I would love for you to join me to dive deeply in the 4 week “Mixed Media Mandalas” online class.

By the end of class, you will have a journal full of sacred circles and at least one finished mixed media piece of artwork to hang on your wall.