Today, I am so pleased to bring you a lovely interview with Sigrun Sigurdardottir. Sigrun is a biomedical scientist who loves to play with photography, digital art, collage and mixed media. She took the Mixed Media Mandala class earlier this year and I am so pleased to be sharing her work and mandala insights below.
What kind of mandalas have you explored before?
I have little experience in making mandalas prior to this class, I am not so much into traditional mandalas but I love the ones that are more free-style or nontraditional.
What is it you love most about mandalas?
I have really been addicted to circles recently and circles are my favorite shapes or symbols and I love how meditative it is to make mandalas in a circular repetitive way.
Mandala 1 (above) – inspiration from a macro flower photo, this is a watercolor doodle mandala, I stamped some words and added some punched paper collages
Mandala 2 – this is inspired by Louise´s free form mandalas, I added some doodles, stamps, sequins and collage.
Mandala 3 – this one made on a collaged, stenciled background, unfortunately the two gold painted colors didn’t come through on the photograph, so this one is more sparkling in real life..
What kind of mandalas do you love to create with the most?
My favorite mandala involves collage, paint (preferably watercolor), inspirational words and doodles.
What excited you most about taking part in the “Mixed Media Mandala” class
As I have a scientific background and I used to work in a laboratory and as a scientist for many year I loved the idea of using biological form for a mandala, I would love to explore more using something like a microscopic cell for a mandala inspiration.
Which was your favorite part and why?
I really loved the macro flower photo idea as a inspiration as I have been playing with macro photography for years.
What did you enjoy most about the class?
I loved the variety of ideas, I see that there a limitless inspirational ideas for mandalas after taking this class..
In what ways did the course open up a new world of Mandala creating for you?
You can find mandala inspiration all around you if you keep your eyes open for inspiration.
What are some of the areas covered in the class, that you would like to continue to explore?
As mentioned, I would love to play more with inspiration from nature down to a microscopic form.
What are the top 3 things you are taking away from this class?
Look for inspiration, try different styles or techniques and especially relax, have fun end enjoy.
What would you say when recommending this class to a friend?
If you love mandalas and meditative art forms, you will love this class and you will get limitless inspirational ideas for mandalas for years to come
I am a Biomedical scientist and in my current daytime job I work with insulin pumps for diabetics. I have been making arts and crafts as long as I can remember. I love to play with photography, digital art, collage and mixed media.
Connect with Sigrun here: Blog | Pinterest | Facebook
Join us in the next class!
Would you like to explore the sacred circle and mixed media mandalas further? I would love for you to join me to dive deeply in the 4 week “Mixed Media Mandalas” online class.
By the end of class, you will have a journal full of sacred circles and at least one finished mixed media piece of artwork to hang on your wall.