It was so beautiful today, you just couldn’t write it into being. There was a breeze blowing it’s way through the area (as it usually does here on the coast!) and the ocean was a little wild for a while, but then it dropped and the calmness settled in. The birds were drifting across the sky and I sat, art journal on lap, playing, drawing and painting. I was in heaven. The best part is I can take my watercolor pencils, paints and a jar of water with me to the beach. I love my new studio, but there is nothing more satisfying that sticking my barefeet in the sand and playing in my lovely portable art studio. 🙂
As always I decided to see what beauties the universe would show me today on the ground and I began exploring shells and stones on the beach, head down, scanning each tiny surface to see what I would find. There are many heart stones here on the beach and I usually photograph and keep them. Here is my favourite to far.
Then my friend called out to me to “look up” and what I saw was the most beautiful heart shaped cloud in the sky. How amazing. I quickly grabbed my camera to take the shot before it morphed into something else, then stood there in awe of the scene infront of my eyes. I cannot begin to describe how it felt to look at this wonder, feel the sun hot on me, smell the breeze and hear the ocean. A complete meditation of the senses.
I almost missed this as I was too engrossed in looking down. So here is a little reminder to look up every so often and what you find, may just make your day perfect.
Hope life is beautiful wherever you are in the world this weekend.