I am so EXCITED and honored to share the rich, fun, soul-delicious workshops, lessons and wisdom you will receive as part of the Spectrum experience next year.
The Early~Bird special is only for one more week, so register now to save. (99 dollars for 45 workshops and offerings right now!)
Below are all the wonderful descriptions of classes that are part of this amazing line up.
Cosmic Love Letters :: the Art & Practice of Bhakti Poetry
Baraka Elihu
Are you drawn to the ancient practice of scribing Love Poetry to the divine, in the diverse traditions of Mirabai, Lal Ded, Hildegard of Bingen, Rabia – and their more illustrious male counterparts Rumi, Hafiz, and others? Although most folks know me as a psychotherapist & teacher, I have devoted myself for over a decade to the practice of Bhakti Poetry as an integrated, living daily channel between my person & the divine. No other offering I have in this world would be the same without this most intimate & core of my spiritual practices. Bhakti Poetry is for everyone & in this workshop, I will share inspirations & guidance towards integrating your own unique Love Poetry practice with the daily emanations of life- weaving in perfectly with your art journaling journey. If you are interested in realizing how the Universe is romancing you, this offering is not to be missed! No writing background or training is necessary; a desire to connect energetically to the spirit realm & engage with your most loving guides certainly is.
Bless and Release
Betsy Canas Garmon
{Betsy takes her practice to other continents, pouring into young ones who are pouring service into helping others. She’s flying home now. I know what she’s cooking for us, and you can bet it’s good – more details coming soon}
Chris Zydel
{I confess, I don’t know exactly what Chris is conjuring up for us, but if you know anything at all about this Wild Heart Queen, you *know* it’s going to be juicy good!}
Move Your Body :: Move Your Brush
Connie Hozvicka
You wanna know how I keep the flow going in my own creative practice? I put my whole self into it. Literally. Painting gets juicy when we think of our brush as simply an extension of our arm and the act of painting as a dance. So will you dance with me? Let’s get into our bodies and let the creativity flow through us in Move Your Body :: Move Your Brush.
The Audacity of Bodacious Desire
Cynthia Lee
… or How dare I desire or be desired? The simple answer is how dare I not. Life itself is dependent on desiring and being desired. As the first line of a Hindu creation myth states, “In the beginning there was desire”. Everything created begins with awareness that something is missing, with longing, with a hunger for something more. However, desire is often unrecognized, misunderstood, misused, and tangled in shame. Join me as we walk the path inward to recover our desiring and desirable selves. We’ll leave our marks along the way as we redefine desire, discover where we might have lost desire, and the forgiveness of the misuse of desire. Following our own footsteps outward, we’ll bring with us whole, huge, bodacious desire for living, loving and creating life.
Beauty in Action: The Sensual and Sacred Nature of Plant Medicines
Darcey Blue
The Wisdom of the Body and Making Personal Healing Plant Medicine Bundles
I want to leave the bounds of the indoors and take you out to smell wild minerals of the wet dirt, to fill your mouth with the spice of tree resin, to drum your heart into a rhythm that allows YOU to hear, feel, see, sense, experience the magic and sacredness of the natural world. I want to show you how to see with more than your eyes, see with your body, your heart, your sensual nature. I want you to feed the senses and your body with the holiness of the plant medicine- not just with the extracts and constituents that help you feel better physically, but with the place where the earth wisdom, plant manifestation touches the spark of life within your innate wisdom of heart, spirit and body.
In this journey with sacred plant medicine, together we will discover how to connect energetically, emotionally and spiritually to our bodies to discover where and how we can begin to heal some aspect of ourselves. We all carry around energies, wounds and memories that are stored in our bodies and come up to be healed over and over. These can be physical, emotional or spiritual patterns and wounds. They may be old friends we have carried around a long time, or something that surprises us. With this information our body shares with us in journey space, we can then use spiritual and energetic medicine of the plants, herbs, gathered and found leaves and flowers and other earth based medicine objects to create a healing medicine bundle. The power of these bundles is allowing us to get out of our thinking head- and connect with the wisdom within us, and allowing spirit guidance to take over – to shift patterns, habits, thoughts, or wounds at the energetic and spiritual level. It is a form of ceremony and creating beauty we can offer to ourselves whenever we need to engage spirit and plant medicine for healing. You may find certain plant medicines come to you very strongly to be included in your medicine bundle, or they may ask to be included in your daily practices and self care rituals as a physical medicine as well. The power of the plants to help us heal goes far beyond the physical, and beginning to tap into their sacred and spiritual nature allows our healing process to be more holistic and go deeper than the physical alone.
Ready to join us?
Not yet? Keep reading…
Ask FEAR to Be Your BFF
Deborah Milton

Under Your Skin: Art Journaling the Messages of Your Body
Erin Faith Allen


Opening ourselves though Art Journaling
Galia Alena
When I seek wisdom and answers usually it is enough just to make an opening for that wisdom to come into. I pose a question, I make an opening, a space, an invitation, I set an intention and I let it go and I listen. Usually this is enough and what I need to know comes. In this lesson, we will be exploring how to use art journals to this end and I will be showing you how I will be using my journal as an opening and container for all the lessons and messages that will come up for me as I journey through the Spectrum. Together we will be exploring both what it means to be “OPEN” and how our journaling practice can be an “OPENING” and a safe place to hold all our vulnerabilities from being open.
Energetic Nourishment
Ginger White
Energetic Nourishment focuses on the importance of nourishing our energy system – with chakra balancing, working with crystals, essential oils, sound and color – to help us with self-care, self-nourishment, and re-charging… keeping ourselves going and bringing us back to center in times of stress or when we’re caregiving and tending to others.
EmBody You
Hali Karla
As your facilitator for the Spectrum experience, each month I will offer you a different visual journaling workshop that celebrates and honors the miracle of your body experience, aids you in excavating and deciphering the creative language unique to your soul, and illuminates the song of your natural rhythms as an ally in navigating a life consciously in sync with YOUR core truth and vitality. We will allow awareness of the intricate systems of our body, partnered with the creative process, to remind, re-awaken, ignite and infuse our perspective with the WHOLEness we embody at all times.
It is my deepest hope that while in Spectrum, you will discover within your pages and process, evidence of both the joy and depth that is you, as well as a fresh and nourished sense of freedom and trust in your unique, dynamic expression.
The Heart at the Centre
Heather Plett
In this workshop, we’ll explore a connection between labyrinth walking and mandala making as practices for getting close to our heart centres. When we walk the labyrinth, we trust that the path we are following – thought it may wind in and out – will eventually take us to our centre, to our truth. When we bring that same intentionality to mandala making, we trust the process to open our hears to new truths that want to emerge for us. The outcome for this workshop will be a mixed media labyrinth mandala that brings us to a prayerful, heart-honouring place.
Myself as an Icon
Jane Cunningham
This workshop will explore tenderly offering the chance to cherish ourselves as an expression of the Divine. We will take a self-portrait and draw on the history of Icon art to create the possibility of holding ourselves as a precious object, to cherish and tend to as icons have been through history. This is a playful and loving chance to adorn our image and offer love up to all the parts of ourselves – our Whole-y-ness.
Sensing Memories
Jeanette House

Release and Reclaim
Jes Gordon
The intuitive healthy painting session that will identify a “weak link” in your miraculous body, and attempt to create a positive, stronger, sturdier, vibrational version. This process will act as a way of listening to the body’s only way of communicating with our conscious mind: pain or discomfort. We will be relying on our own interpretations of these “weaknesses” and using scientific images for inspiration where necessary or desired. In this session we will focus on the endocrine system and energy, however this method can be used for any ailment in the body.
Sacred Journaling: Manifesting through Mandala
Katie Ryan
Sacred journaling is about the sacred journey and the story that is your life. With Sacred Journaling we are able to discover wholeness through the healing power of creativity.
In Manifesting through Mandala workshop, we will be visiting the principles of mandala creation; using mandala prompts and meditations to focus on our inner messages. We will use intention as our guide so that we may manifest whole body healing and that our hearts desires may be revealed to us. I will be sharing some of my mandala composition techniques like using a prismatic color wheel, mixed media collage work and creating stencils. We will be honoring creation by making a nature mandala outdoors, with a surprise offering at the end!
Jocelyn Brown
What is food’s place, its significance, in our world? Our food sources connect us to the earth – for thousands of years, plants and animals have nourished us. Sadly, we have become disconnected from our sources of nourishment. We no longer grow our own food, we are out of sync with seasonal foods and regional foods, and we don’t eat nearly the variety of foods that we used to. Packaged and processed and pre-made foods have distorted our perception about what food is. How can we start to regain our connection to true nourishment?
Discover Your Creative Power through Sacred Symbols of the Divine Feminine
Kimberly Davis
Symbols are a powerful method of communication—they tell visual stories. Certain symbols are so powerful that they speak to us across miles and millennia. Symbols of the feminine are both intimate and universal. They carry layers of meaning on conscious and subconscious levels. They hold beautiful energy as markers of the divine creative powers inherent in us as women. But sometimes this energy can be distorted or covered by negative cultural messages that we internalize. In this art journaling workshop, we will explore the inherent beauty of some sacred symbols of femininity, including circles and spirals, triangles, yonis, and goddess figures. Through intuitive creation, we can reclaim them as personal markers of our divine creative energy.
Look into your own eyes and let go.
Kyeli Smith
We all have the voice of that harsh inner critic blabbering away within our mind – but rarely does that voice actually belong to us. It’s the voice of our mother, our ex, that one kid from gym class when we were eight. Learning to release those voices and replace them with your own is a powerful tool for self-love. In this workshop, we’re going to do just that: we’re going to gently release those negative voices, and learn to look into our own eyes with love.
Shadow Dancing
Laurie Ritchie
In this Expressive Arts experience, we’ll layer the art forms of dance, collage, painting, and writing, noticing how messages we’ve adopted have blocked us in fear, keeping us from the fullness of our powerful selves. We’ll dance with our shadows, re-visioning our shadow selves with acceptance, forgiveness and love so that we can stretch beyond the boundaries of the box we’ve created for ourselves.
Embodying the Wild Muse
Lisa Rough
These days, most of us think of inspiration as a mysterious nudge from the universe to bring forth some sort of movement or creation… and so we wait to be offered some big romantic gesture, such as a lightening bolt, a glorious sunset or the grand perception of someone we highly respect. What we often take for granted, though, is that inspiration is born from deep within us, serving as a threshold between the Great Mystery and ourselves, and can be celebrated and embodied every single moment that passes us by.
In spiritual traditions throughout history, inspiration was thought to come from the Gods and Goddesses. The Greeks called it the “divine frenzy.” Hebrews believed that inspiration happened when one was so touched by God’s word that it moved through him or her, compelling them to speak out. The Norse bards or poets were thought to be in a magical state, through which they were able to shape words and forces beyond human capability. And yet, none of these things were considered to be out of ordinary, every day experience.
In this Spectrum session, we will greet the Wild Muse within us, through a meditative process that entails getting grounded in our bodies through breath-work and subtle movement, and creating a wildly inspired drawn and written portrait of our Muse while opening our hearts to the sacred that is woven into the ordinary of our surroundings.
Finding Flow
Lisa Wilson
Exploring our experience and creative expression through the tide of the breath
This experiential course will guide you deeper into self-mindfulness and into a more gentle and creative experience of daily life through breath awareness. Together, we’ll lean into a greater wisdom that can guide us into more authentic ways of creative expression.
We’ll briefly study the breath – both in terms of this immediate, physical breath and the universal, timeless breath – and look at how this breath is intimately related to inspiration.
We’ll then jump right into the Practice of Finding Flow. You’ll learn about dropping into your body, practicing self-expression through creative flow journaling, and tips for integrating this way of being throughout your mundane doings.
You will leave this class not only with practical tips of creating more flow and ease in your mundane life, but also a greater awareness of your body, your breath, and your being.
The Wheel of Life Turns Again and Again
Loran Hills
Please join me in March 2014 as we connect our own pulsing hearts to the rhythm of nature. With our hectic, electronically dominated and sedentary lifestyles, it’s easy to lose our connection to the natural world. Each season of life brings its challenges and its gifts. We make these transitions together, experiencing the cycles of the sun and the moon simultaneously. We are all connected to each other and the mysterious pulse of nature through our DNA.
Using a unique and flexible template that I’ve designed, we will be creating a healing medicine wheel, a sacred shield, and designing a circle of wholeness. First, you’ll call upon the four directions, the four elements of the natural world, and the four seasons of nature to guide you as you tune into the ebb and flow of natural energy. Then, you’ll identify the season of your life and integrate fragments of your emotional, spiritual, physical and mental selves. After you pinpoint your own personal symbols, images and words, you’ll create a meaningful wheel of integration, using simple art supplies.
The variations on this idea are infinite! You’ll also be able to use this template to document your progress during the Spectrum courses. As you build on the knowledge that you gain throughout our months together in Spectrum, you can create more wheels to restore or enhance your connection to nature and all the parts of yourself. Find your still point within and dance around the Wheel of Life Again and Again.
Sensing Journey
Louise Gale
“…let us return thanks to Nature for her bounty by using every one of the senses she has given us.”
― Virginia Woolf
Through a guided audio meditation, journal prompts and creative exercises, Louise will take you on a grounding journey around your senses. We will heighten our sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch and also tap into our sixth sense of intuition.
By deepening awareness through our senses, we will connect with the present moment, ground ourselves more fully and use our journal to create intuitive artwork. Louise will guide you, inspire you and support you every step of the way.
Martha Atkins
{Do you know Martha? She works with grief and loss, and does so with the most compelling combination of humor, compassion, intuition and wisdom. You will love her and what she brings to Spectrum}
Journaling The Unsaid : Finding Freedom in the Telling of Your Story
Maya Zaido
Journaling your unsaid to find understanding; putting your once forbidden into words for your own discovery. This process offers new language to deepen your creative practice, and understanding of your creative cycle. Together, we’ll create safe space for you to rewrite past pain and recognize the gifts in your experience.
As a journey memoirist, I’m continually recognizing how writing and sharing my most painful experiences brings me deeper understanding; a deeper knowing of myself, relationships and what it is to live, fully alive. Reconnecting and communicating with my body allows me to embrace my PTSD as teacher. Rewriting my relationship with traumatic experiences shows me fear is only personal armor trying to protect me, and that every experience is happening for me, not to me. In embracing my body-talk, my unique reactions and responses, I am listening to my needs and my wants. I am embracing me as whole, just as I am, with PTSD as ally. For me, this is the true definition of freedom.
Your Rite to Let Go
Melissa Ixcheldevi
An invitation to sojourn with your inner witness, set sacred space and delve into your wise healing nature. Together, we will unravel old layers and shine awareness on what needs releasing. Your Rite to Let Go may inspire radical new beginnings.
“Release, forgive, and let go” are words that are sometimes overused and can be hollow with little integration. Your Rite to Let Go, a soul-filled practice gives way to recognize, rename and release with intention. This process empowers you to trust yourself, ushering in your unique way.
Healing the Heart & Yoni Split
Melissa Prince
Do you utilise the wisdom of your sexual energy in your decision making?
What might life be like if we took a holistic approach to our decision making and had awareness and connection with all these intelligences within us?
Groove is in the Heart
Michelle Casserley
Come join me on this journey, let me help you remember where you came from.
Sister, join the circle, let us sit together, you and I. hear our hearts and feel the rhthym in our body.
Georgia Cates said that music is what feelings sound like… let’s discover our sounds, our song, our heart.
Let us follow the drum’s song and see where it leads us…
You like taking it all in, don’t ya? Me, too. Here’s the rest…
Befriending your Protector
Michelle Turbide

Allow Love
Shamsi Charlie Pettus
This is a course about subtle listening, acknowledging, and Allowing Love.
While I include Love of all natures, my focus and intention is that we activate such a Love of Self that we create a flowering from which all other Loves will grow.
This is a journey that will begin with a focus on our physical bodies, but with some writing, perhaps a bit of color, a little bit of awareness, maybe even, dare I say …*GASP* meditation!? we will begin to write Love Letters, to ourselves, from Spirit.
You absolutely read me correctly, WE will write OURSELVES Love Letters from The Divine.
This is a journey that will serve the rest of our lives, one which we can return to again and again.
I hope you will join me in this great act of allowing Love.
Shelley Henry
Inhabit is about being present in a moment, about being present in place. Inhabit is about building a creative and healing practice rooted in exploring and drawing inspiration from nature. The natural world is an endless source of inspiration. We will gather sticks and stones, engage our senses and leave small offerings of gratitude. We will create a flower essence and I will share a few ways this essence can be used in your creative practice. We will explore mark making with natural materials and create small abstracted works in our journals. My intention is for us to deepen our connection with nature by getting to know the essence and spirit of place.
A Soul-full Journey
Toi Lynn Wyle
Our Body is a sacred portal to the divine and home of our deepest wisdom. She is our closest companion for a lifetime, and if we let her, she can be our dearest teacher and friend. Nature is filled with messages for us, infinite seeds of remembering that invite us to blossom into our true essence of beauty, power and wildness. Our Creativity is lifeforce itself, the feminine universal essence of Shakti making herself known, the Goddess within who longs to be experienced, embraced and expressed with peaceful Ahhhhhh or a passionate Yes! Yes! Yes!
Come join with me in deepening the intimacy between body, nature and creativity as we awaken to our unique soul-print on this planet. Our journey will take us on a moving spiral of self-discovery, inside and out, inside and out again as we reunite the internal with external for profound healing and insight. Our transformative tools will include:
· Guided movement, body stories practices, shamanic journeys and breathwork to nourish our bodies and access our intuition.
· Photography walks, nature art and nature quests to explore the messages in life around us.
· Journaling that integrates prompts for writing and poetry, photographic images, gifts from nature and coloring/painting to create powerfully revealing sequence of mandalas, circular self-portraits, of you.
I so look forward to sharing this experience with you!
The Gift of Woman
Tracy Verdugo
So many gifts from the heart of our divine feminine.
Holding Space through the Pain with Raw Creative Journaling
Whinnie Calhoun
In this session I will share how I found a mutual reciprocity between my energies of Pain and Creativity. Due to chronic physical pain I lost the ability to do those “things” that fed my spirit enough to keep the emotional pains buried deep. When the physical and emotional pain consumed me I lost any mental and spiritual wellness I had… I was dying. I became cynical, numb and miserable. My Divine Creator stepped in… I want to share with you how the chaos of desperation and pain led me blindly into art journaling, into transmitting my pain onto paper using stuff we most often throw away. I do not consider myself an Artist nor a specialist. I am a student, giver and creative woman. I hope you too will find my story useful as we together journey through Spectrum towards a growing harmony between our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual natures. Each of us, with raw creative abandonment, holding space to apply active listening to self.
In Spectrum, you receive these offerings of pure inspiration from the beautiful collective above, 11 more from me (45 total!!), 11 downloadable pdfs (containing audio, video, visual and supportive content), a private community to support the 10 month journey, and 3 live Spreecasts just for members!
To learn more about Spectrum and Register,
please click HERE.
We look forward to having you join us!
“Creativity has to be cultivated. Unused creativity is not benign, it matastizes.
It turns into grief, judgement, sorrow, and shame.
We are divine beings and we are by nature creative.”
~Brene Brown