We are excited to bring you the downloadable MOYO Festive Gift Guide.
Packed full of unique gift ideas from talented designers, we hope this guide gives you ideas for presents to delight this holiday season. From pretty Christmas tree baubles to gorgeous gift wrap, you are sure to find something just perfect for friends and loved ones.
The products come from around the world and all the featured designers are members of the MOYO Directory, or alumni of The Art and Business of Surface Pattern Design.
This special downloadable version is a gorgeous selection of our favourite products that have been sent in. All of the entries are being featured on the Make it in Design blog here until Tuesday 17th December.
Below are just a few of the beautiful pages inside the guide.
To download the gift guide simply go to http://issuu.com/moyomagazine/docs/moyofestivegiftguide_2013. If you are on an iPad click here to view the magazine on Issue.com.
PS If you want to download this guide or any of our MOYO magazines, here are some simple guidelines to help you: Downloading MOYO
Please feel free to share this page and link to the Gift Guide on your blog, in your newsletters and tell all your friends about it!
Wishing you all a wonderful festive season.