Indigo energy painting, third eye chakraI really thought I was going to struggle a little with indigo, but oh how I love thee so. It was a joy to just paint and then make marks over the top of the dark inky blue with a silver gel pen. The color indigo represents the third eye chakra and we had a lot of fun and some challenge working with this blue and separating it from the regular blue for the throat chakra energy. The results in class were beautiful. I hope to share some here very soon.


Would you like to have your own colour energy adventure!……

The class will be limited to only 50 {or less!) lovely participants so we can easily share, discuss and support each other as we travel along.


Creative Colour Energy WorkshopWould you like to embark on a colour adventure, play with mixed media, and learn about the 7 levels of energy?

Through audio colour meditations, videos & prompts, we dig deeper into each colour and the associated level of energy. How each colour speaks to us, makes us feel and triggers our creative intuition. You will get exactly what you need from each of the colour sessions. We will explore and play through:

  • colour vision journaling/colour stories
  • mixed media, {paint, print, collage} and
  • photography

learn more here.