This weeks Mandala feels more like a sacred circle and rather tribal – I think it must be to do with the placement of stones and the sheer simpleness of these creations.
It was ALOT of fun!
I had some very keen little helpers with me who jumped at the chance to be creative on the beach.
We collected stones, leaves, seaweed and created three little creations in the sand.
We then took a break under the sun umbrella’s to draw mandala’s and also paint on stones. I love seeing how much creative fun we can have with so little materials. Although I do say “The world is our art studio and nature our art materials”.
I also got to add a few more pages to my mini-mandala flipbook as they painted their masterpieces on the stones. Here are a few images (more to come later this week)
Being on the beach, with the waves lapping, creating sacred circles and mini mandala’s – I mean what else can one ask for on a Monday. 🙂
I also created a little rainbow one for myself. Follow your heart.
Check out the portfolio page for more nature mandalas
Happy Monday all!
Every Monday {most Monday’s!} I share a nature mandala I have created using natural objects found on my daily explorations. This is a beautiful process for grounding {my word for the year}, connecting with nature and practicing the art of letting go.