Europe Sunset Creative Color Challenge surface pattern design

This month, I was in Europe so wanted to take the sunset idea and apply it to Europe! I have also been working on some ideas with maps and thought I’d have a go at combining these for this months challenge. What do you think? I love the color combinations of the sunset colors as these are colors I probably wouldn’t think to combine.

Here is the image from last months challenge on Sunsets.

How did you feel creating with these colors?

{Add your comments in the comments section below}

Let’s see what everyone created! Use the linky section below to add a link to your blog post AND please also post a link into the comments as the linkytool seems to be having problems lately. Also please add one of your images in the flickr pool so we can all leaves comments and visit your blog post. You can check out the flickr pool here

Thanks to all who took part this month and the new challenge will be posted on Monday October 1st!

Read more about the challenge and to sign up here

Explore color more here…….

Join the Creative Color Challenge


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