Heartstone found in Woodstock, NY
As we wrap up Thanksgiving weekend here in the USA, I wanted to share this Gratitude meditation I recorded especially for a post over on “your heART makes a difference“. I have listened to it often over the weekend and would love for you to enjoy a few moments to be thankful this Sunday.
Meditation is a lovely way to calm the mind, ground ourselves and live more in the moment and I hope you like this little meditation that I recorded especially for you to invite gratitude into your life.
Gratitude connects us to the present moment. I am grateful today that you are spending time with me here to focus on gratitude. Inviting it in, letting it flow over us for the next few minutes. Being grateful can help us feel more balanced, opening and feeding our heart center with love, compassion and kindness. It uplifts our spirits and wellbeing.
This meditation will help you feel gratitude and give it a chance to come naturally. Grow with it, enjoy it and let it flow. Melt into this moment.
Give yourself permission to be calm for 10 minutes. Sit comfortable, try to set your environment up so you wont be disturbed and if you have headphones, use them to listen and be completely focused. Close your eyes and just be. [audio is just under 9 minutes long)
Click the play button below and enjoy.
If you would like to download and keep this meditation for your ipod or to listen to outside (highly recommended), you can purchase an instant downloadable version for only $5 here.
Louise Xx
Thank you for sharing Louise, lovely to hear your voice.
Hope you’re doing well. 🙂