1) Jenn, huge congratulations on the publication of your book. Can you tell us a little about the book and who would benefit from it?
2) How long would you say it took from the time you had the idea to publication?
I made my first Right-Brain Business Plan in November 2007 at my kitchen table during Art Every Day Month. I had no idea then that this idea it would turn into a book! I created my 9-page handwritten and illustrated e-book in the spring of 2008. And in 2009 I set out to write a book (a totally different one!), but publishers were more interested in The Right-Brain Business Plan concept so I sent out proposals for that and landed my book deal with New World Library in the fall of 2009. My manuscript was due to my publisher in April 2010 and then it went into production and was published in February 2011. So, long story short, it took a little more than three years to go from initial idea to book on bookshelf.
3) What right brain tools did you use to develop your ideas and the plan for the book?
I used many of the right-brain tools that I talk about in the book! I used a Levenger Circa notebook to organize all of my existing material by chapter before I even started writing. That made it easier to know I wasn’t starting from scratch and it already started to “feel” like a book. I used mind-maps and sticky notes to brainstorm and outline content for chapters. I also used my sticky note project plan to map out my tasks and milestones throughout the publishing process.
4) What do you think are the biggest challenges for right brainers in business? And how to overcome them?
One that I see is that many right-brainers in business can overlook the financial aspects of business. I encourage people to acknowledge that the numbers can actually be a pretty creative process. You can use your imagination to come up with new, innovative income streams. And you can always get support from an expert to help you figure out the nitty gritty calculations to make sure you’re going to turn a profit.
I’d say the other is not trusting themselves enough. They tend to keep thinking they need more information or training, when really they just need to take some action, find clients, and make offers.
5) I thoroughly enjoyed the video summit that you offered *free* from 28th Feb – 11 March, were you nervous about hosting the summit? If so, what were some of your daily practices to calm your nerves or to give you an energy boost?
Thanks! It was a joy to host it. Sure, there were certainly times I was scared or worried. I don’t know if I was nervous, per se. I shared during the summit that I had a couple of nightmares leading up to the first day. It was stuff around me being attacked in various ways because I did really feel like I was sticking my neck out trying this new thing.
Before the first session I filled out an Affirmations card from my forthcoming RBBP Kit. I wrote out empowering statements that helped me to ground, focus, and trust that I had everything I needed to lead a great event.
6) What is your favorite right brain booster and left brain chill pill?
It’s hard to pick one, but a favorite right-brain booster is to gain a fresh perspective using images. I also have my collaged values cards on an easel on my desk and that helps me focus my energy for the week.
My favorite left-brain chill pill is to acknowledge my accomplishments when I’m beating myself about all the things I haven’t finished yet.
7) If people missed the summit, what are some of the ways we can find out more or get involved?
If you missed the live summit, you can still learn from all the fabulous guest presenters and even take part in a vibrant community of creative souls. Just visit http://www.rightbrainersinbusiness.com to find out about the Booster and Premium levels.
8) And finally, what is your Dream for your business?
My dream is to continue making a positive difference in people’s lives, to inspire authentic expression and creativity, to keep having fun, to receive the abundance that comes from doing my calling, to write more books, to make more products and cool stuff, to invite in more opportunities beyond my wildest imagination, to be a leader in creative entrepreneurship, to take regular vacations, and so much more!
9) Who or what Inspires you
Creative people living their dreams, nature, beauty.
10) What else do you like to create?
I enjoy making huge wall-sized intuitive paintings and my latest creative obsession is taking photos on my iPhone with Instagram.
Thanks again Jenn and wishing you every success with the book and helping more rig
ht brainers create their business plans!
Grab the book from Amazon here. Connect with Jennifer & The Right Brain Business Plan below:
Great questions! Jenn's book is really interesting too – and fills a much-needed gap I think! Thanks ladies
looks like that would be a great book based on the interview!