I really got into the festive spirit making mine, so I hope you all did too. We had a lovely group of 56 from around the world participate and I think there are still ornaments winging their way to their new homes as I write this. Check out the full list of participants here.
Above is just a few of the wonderful creations and more photos are being added into the Creative Color Challenge flickr group.
There were so many different creations, using fabric, paper, wire, glass, stitch and some very inventive techniques. I posted a “How To” on my ornaments here
If you blogged about the swap, feel free to add your links into the comments below so we can all check out the great posts, ornaments and stories.
For all, (even if you didn’t get a chance to participate this time around), what are some of your own ornaments you have made for the festive season over the years? Feel free to post links to any fun techniques or tell us an hand-made ornament story below.
I got my turkey and ham delivered today so its all go go go in my new home with getting ready for hosting a traditional British meal with all the trimmings on Christmas Day.
Thank you so much for putting this together Louise, I loved being a part of it!♥
Hi everyone!
Check out the beautiful ornaments I received from Annette, Bree and Jennifer <3
Thank you, Louise! What fun it has been.
XO Juliette
This was so much fun – thanks very much Louise! I received lovely decorations from Pippin(http://artpippin.blogspot.com) and Peggy, which are now hanging on my tree.
Thanks for hosting Louise. I just got my last ornament and wanted to put it on my blog and post it but my camera died! I am hoping it is just the photo card. Will have to get another and then I will get them posted. Thanks again Louise! It was fun!
What a fabulous collection of beautiful ornaments! Looks like it was lots of fun!! Thx for the round up! Wini xo
Hey Louise, I'm totally slow on the go when it comes to posting about the goodies I got in the swap, but I finally stole a few moments today and did it!
Thanks so much for hosting and organizing this. I got the best ones ever and love seeing these goodies on the tree!
Thanks for doing this. What a wonderful challenge. I have never made ornaments before, so this was a great way to open myself to a new challenge. I enjoyed making and swapping these. I have received two wonderful ornaments so far from artists in California and Australia. What a joy. I blogged about them here:
Thanks so much for hosting this fun swap Louise! Thanks to everyone who swapped with me! I just loved all the ornaments I received. Sorry I didn't get to personally thank some of you as I was without internet for over 2 weeks.