One of the most enjoyable things about Squam was the log fires that continuously burned. I almost felt that it signified the passion burning in all of us to let an artist inside come out and play. Day 2 was all about intuitive painting with soul with Flora Bowley and so much soul this lovely lady has. Such a pleasure to meet her.

We started off in a circle introducing ourselves and spending some time talking about our painting experiences and why we were there taking this class. It was so lovely to hear what everyone had to say and it bonded the class together as we embarked on this journey for the day.

We went for it, painting intuitively, making marks on the large paper before we started on the canvas, not thinking about what we were creating but instead letting it all flow. By lunch time, I had created two colorful creations. SO MUCH FUN!

The afternoon was a little more of a struggle for me, painting over what I had created in the morning to create little portholes into this background was something I found quite tough and it was a very interesting process I went through mentally to get my head around this. Others found it a little challenging too and I think this was such an interesting insight into this painting process and to ourselves that Flora was showing us.
The critiques and reviews we did throughout the day were really valuable to our group.
Here is my almost finished piece. I’m going to work on these further and try out some more painting using Floras wonderful technique so ill be sure to share with you once I do!
If anyone ever gets a chance to take a class with Flora, this is truly an experience not to be missed. Check out Floras website and blog here.
New Moon in Libra Tonight.
ALSO Tonight is a New Moon and I’ll be getting ready to create a new DreamBoard/Vision Board for the Full Moon on Oct 22. Let me know if you would like to join in this month. Heres my call out from last month and also my dreamboard for Sept Full Moon here.
sounds like you really got deep into some new processes Louise and the results are beautiful =-)
I'm collecting images to create some vision boards for the 22nd and i hope to post them on my blog on the full moon!
I took a class with Jesse Reno at Artfest that shares a similar technique. I will agree it is hard to wrap you head around.
Thank you for the new moon dream board suggestion. I think I am going to do this too.
oh gosh, this just looks too much fun. I wish I had been there too stood amongst the trees and making and talking art!
What a wonderful creation, its great to extend your creativity past your comfort zone.
I am a fellow blogtoberfest participant & am finding my way around all the blogs (hopefully). Tis a fabulous way to find new blogs.
Would love you to visit mine
Dearest sweet Louise, squam is such fun, uplifting and so inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing this with us for im always really curious about classes in squam. It would be a dream come true if i could attend it one day! This place is truely amazing and so beautiful! Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to you!
this looks SO AMAZING! i am now even more excited for an artful journey!