My finished Gocco Prints

I’ve always loved PrintMaking and having experienced Lino, Silkscreen, Etching, Aluminium and Wood prints over the years, I was intrigued to try out Gocco printing with Marisa Haedike from Creative Thursday. (who I took an online class with last year and was excited to finally meet in person) for Day 3 of Squam.

Print Gocco is a Japanese color screenprinting system developed in 1977 by Noboru Hayama and uses a flash bulb to “burn” the carbon drawn design into the screen. You then ink up the screen and go for it! Such a simple straightforward way to create some gorgeous images either on paper or fabric.

Marisa did a fabulous job of guiding us through setting up the screen with the bulbs, inking the screen which by the way can churn out up to 100 prints without having to be re-inked!

There were some wonderful designs from everyone in the class and it was also great to see how some of the fabric printed images came out. Very inspiring.

It was also so lovely to meet Marisa in person after all this time and really brought home what a difference a year makes when you put your mind to do something. It was almost a year (1 week out) to the day that her “In The Fish Bowl” class began. An e-class about Life As An Artist – kick starting me into this very life I am now amazingly living 🙂

Riso who brought the Gocco Printer to market ceased Goccos in 2005 and shipped the last supplies in 2008 and many have joined the movement to save the process and revive it. More information here. You can now find Gocco Printers and supplies on ebay and etsy.

For more photos on Squam, visit the flickr pool here