Week #2 – lets get fruity with Raspberry Red!(color suggested by
Click here to read & comment on week #1 Wrap up.
One of my summer faves is to pick and eat raspberries. Growing up in England, we used to have raspberries and blackberries at the top of our garden. Yummmm. They make my taste buds go crazy and face scrunch up but I LOVE them.
So this weeks color is inspired by those tart berries. Create in all this fruity goodness. (Remember you can only use shades and add black and white to your creations if you wish)
Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love. Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure.
So this week, emerge yourself in this color, soak it up. Be strong, powerful in your creating, throw in a little passion and lets get that heart rate up with doing what we love.

So excited to see the passion. Please add your images to
“The Creative Color Challenge” Flickr group by Sat 2pm EST (ill be sharing some of the fruitiness on my wrap up post next Saturday night before posting week #3 on Sunday)
It’s not too late to participate! The Creative Color Challenge is open all month, so email louise[at]britcreative[dot]com to join in and get your name and link added to the participant list.
ooh, yay for raspberry!! yumyum :))
fantastic ~ have raspberries in my garden ~ i shall go and pick one for inspiration x
YAY! Love raspberries and RED!
Respberry red is gorgeous! And i love respberries lots tho i had never the chance to pick and eat them fresh (yet). Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!
Oooh, yummy red 😀 I'm looking forward to this.
I had a random thought the other day about the challenge (it is fun to think about :D) Down the track, a challenge alternative could be to combine two unlikely colours (plus white and black). For example, a purple and a gold orange, and see what the artists could create 😀
Just a random thought I thought I'd pass on 😀 I'm certainly having fun with the challenge at the moment. Red concept developed and awaiting execution 😀
Thanks for all the work you've put into this. Consider yourself an inspiration instigator 😀
(one handed)
HOORAY! It really says something when colors get you so excited. Or maybe it's this creative challenge, but I am just bustling with energy and can't wait to get started on this raspberry hued piece! Thanks, Louise!
raspberries are some of my favorite things in all the world.excellent colour choice!
Hey Louise!
It was so great to meet and chat with you last week at Etsy! The raspberry challenge is looking delicious, I might have to join it!!!
Take care, and stay in touch!
So great you guys like this color! Im having lots of fun with it already! @Gumnut…..watch this space..I'd already planned to mix it up a bit in week 3. 🙂