I’ve decided that August is going to be a month of letting go, exploring and playing with color (cant wait to get myself all covered in paint again!).
Different shades, (plus white and black in addition) can be used and this is going to be the challenge to explore!….creating something with just the one color. It’s open to all, in any medium and you don’t even need to join in every week.
This is all you need to do……
- Sign up by emailing me at louise[at]britcreative[dot]com with your name and blog address. (your names will be going into a draw for a color prize at the end of August). Its open for all to join in no matter where you are in the world). Also leave a comment below to let everyone know you are up for the challenge and list any colors you’ve been longing to explore.
Add “The Creative Color Challenge” button to your site to announce you are up for the challenge, (you dont need to have a blog to participate), tell your friends and encourage them to join us in this playful exploration.
Starting on Sunday August 1st and every Sunday in August (there will be 5 challenges), I will choose a color for the week. We then have until the following Saturday 8pm EST to explore and create something using that color, shades of, only adding white or black. Creations can be in any medium; paint, collage, fabric, photography, mixed media etc. I may throw in an extra challenge on one of the weeks to mix it up a bit! 😉
Once you have created your one or many color creations for each week, post a photo into the flickr group here: (please try to post by Saturday night 8pm est each week) and tag it with the name of the color.
Then every Sunday night, I will do a weekly wrap up of lovely creations on my blog and pick a new color. If you would like to blog or share your discoveries of color that week, feel free to add a link to the wrap up comments on my blog, the facebook event and flickr. Then at the end of August, we will have a virtual exhibition of color extravaganza!
I will also be sharing snippets and quotes about each color to inspire us as we begin creating. It’s going to be amazing to see the beauty and diversity we all come up with, using the same colors. -
Ready to explore? You don’t even have to do this on your own, you could get friends together for a paint party, paint with your spouse, mums; this could be a great fun way to get creative with the kiddies. Whatever you decide, this challenge is all about having fun, exploring color and just going for it, so let loose, get your hands dirty and lets try that color we haven’t had the courage to paint with yet!
Challenge colors may include: Aquamarine blue, citrus orange, walnut brown, sunflower yellow, moss green and pink…who knows! So start collating your supplies and get your creative thinking caps on.
“You can’t be at the pole and the equator at the same time. You must choose your own line, as I hope to do, and it will probably be color.”
Vincent van Gogh.So who’s in? 🙂
YAY!! Can't wait!
I wanna' play! What a fabulous challenge, Louise. It sounds easy peasy, but I know it will be a challenge for me since I'm so biased to purples and pinks!! I need to be an equal opportunity colorist 🙂
I'm in too! I LOVE this idea! Colors I've been longing to play with are the color of the ocean (like a deep blue-green) and definitely purples and cadmium red 🙂
Can't wait to play! Thanks, Louise!
xoxo, juliette
I'm in…what a great idea! can't wait!
I'm in…what a great idea! can't wait!
I’m in! I love creating monochromatic works and this may just push me out of my favourite colour schemes.
oh my goodness this looks like fun! I can see my son and I creating finger paints together!
I am IN. although I'll be in Montana july 27 to august 5, i should have intermittent internet access, and this will help me NARROW DOWN any art supplies i take along on the trip. COLORS i'd love to explore – oooh, i rarely work with blues, so that would be a REAL challenge for me. ALREADY love moss green and pink (only, I like 'em together). thanks for inviting me. 🙂
OMG!! this challenge sounds like SUCH fun!! i'll send you an e-mail in a few days to participate, if i can clear off some space to work on! =-
thanks for your wonderful comment on my recent post Louise – i've been hoping that all this clearing will bring better things into my life =-)!
oh my goodness what a fun idea!!! i'm in!
I am IN, this is going to be so much fun!
I'm in. Sounds like a super fun way to learn and challenge ourselves! Cheers Kylie
Dearest Louise, this sounds amazingly fun! I love the idea. 🙂 Colors are one of my inspiration! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
Hi Louise
This is AWESOME! I am definitely in, just as soon as I have unpacked all my art supplies after moving.
Ahh the joy of discipline when others are watching… Will be so good to join in, and to see what everyone else creates
Love this idea! I'm in!
I'm in.. can't wait! This will be a blast!
So exciting! Okay so im already thinking a turquoise or deep sea blue/green (thanks Juliette), yellow (yikes) and some kind of red/pink too…. i see a trip to the artstore coming on. 🙂
Absolutely count me in! I'll play with any colour you name, it's all good. As a glass bead artist purples and pinks are a serious challenge, they're persnickety. Bring it on!
this sounds great! I just got back from a 2wk vacation full of wonderful colors – colors have always been a bit challenging for me. I tend to use muted colors so this will be a fun project and what a great idea! Count me in 🙂
I'm in! This sounds fabulously fun!Any color is a good color!!!
Thanks for putting this together.
I'm in !
I just started blogging and I need something like this to keep me going.
I am super excited to join in! I found you through Juliette! 🙂
count me in! I am adding the button to the blog right now!
Yeahh! I'm in 🙂 It's going to be so much fun!
hi my painting partner in crime….i.ve missed you!
ORANGE is my favorite color, but im NOT a purple fan so maybe that would be a great challenge for me?
great idea missy!
I'm in!
I'm in too. Sounds like a blast!
I am in! Fantastic idea!
I love color! I am in! What a fun idea.
I am joining the fun!
me too….no brown hopefully, yikes 😉 well, i guess it would be good for me, i am such a color freak…
thanks for the invite ♥
I'm In ……..
I'm in! Sounds like fun, can't wait!
I'm looking forward to this challenge 😀 Determination is required as I'm finding it hard even to reply to this post (it has been days) and my youngest is sitting at my feet complaining as I type, but I will do it!
I love gradiated colour. Colour that shifts either from one colour to the next or from dark to light or light to dark. I'm an Autumn colours girl, but I'm up to anything you can throw at me.
I have a cupboard full of unused art supplies, challenge me to use them 😀
(who couldn't even manage to finish this comment without a half an hour detour)
This sounds like it will be such fun! Count me in!
Count me in, Louise! This will be a great challenge for me and my art!
It's good for us writer types to explore our creativity in other mediums. 😀
I'm really looking forward to this challenge!
What a great idea! Sounds fun =)
I've been experimenting with my art lately, so this will be great for me. thanks
I am in please.
It sounds great way to experiment creatively. And I will get my little girl involved too.
Ok what the heck, count me in… I solo hope I have time, with the Aussie move and tonnes on at work this is gonna be a really challenge… But I'm up for it!!
I'm game for a try!…I love ultramarine…..
I'm in. It will be a challenge to find the time as I'm working both a full time and a part time job at the moment, but I've been thinking about maybe trying to get some art done on my half-hour lunch break. If not there is always the weekend! 🙂
I am definitely ready for an art adventure and even though I love color to bits and pieces, it also scares me. I have a hard time coming up with pleasing color combinations on my own and end up relying on similar color schemes in most of my work.
I'm hoping this will introduce me to new colors that I wouldn't normally think of using and help to get me out of my color rut.
So funny, just yesterday I was brainstorming to come up with ways to help me to explore color in different ways.
Raring to go!
yes please would love to join in!
Let's do it!!!
Hope I am not too late to join, sounds like so much fun!!
I'm up for the challenge! Sounds like a great way to ignite creativity and be attune to oneself through colors. Great idea! I've sent you an email, and now I'm going to add the widget to my Arts and Crafts Blog. Thank you so much for hosting this!
A little bit late – but I'm in!!!
A bit late, but I'd love to play along!
I wish I had found this blog sooner. But I'm definitely in! This is such a wonderful and exciting challenge! Thanks Louise!
xoxo Mary
I'm late but I'm in! (still trying to work out how to put the creative challenge button on my site…)
Better late than never…but I'm in!! YAY!!
I love all colours, but always drift towards those primaries…so anything that isn't would be a super a challenge 😉
I can't wait!
OOh how fun! Count me in… know I missed the ist week is it too late?
Be sure to enter my latest Giveaway!
Art by Karena
Would love to join in on the fun even though I am late to the party. Hope it's ok!! I so love looking at colors…
I know it's nearly September, but I only just found you ,so please can I join for the last week? Love the contributions I have already seen and can't wait to see more. Sheila