THEN a friend pointed out that Mondo Beyondo have a Dream Lab starting up this month and my first instinct was “YES lets go” but then I thought, hang on, i’m piling MORE into my life, what am I doing? Crazy woman! but then I read a little more about the e-course and guess what! Its all about being more playful and letting things go, as I read more I realized it WAS talking directly to ME! 🙂
- Anyone who is tired of the hamster wheel and ready to rest more and worry less.
- Anyone who is up against the compulsion to do more and be responsible at the expense of their happiness or physical well-being.
- Anyone who would enjoy a daily invitation to be playful.
- Dreamers who want to develop their sense of trust and spontaneity.
- Former students of Mondo Beyondo who want to reinforce key Mondo Beyondo concepts like being flexible and following your intuition.
So yep! You guessed it, I signed up! I am currently also learning to fly with Kelly Rae Roberts which is a fabulous e-course with so much to read and digest. It’s also fantastic that so many of my artful sisters are also participating. The “Dream Lab” does overlap a little in terms of timing, but I think this may very well challenge me to go against that natural grain of mine a bit. For anyone who has not taken Mondo Beyondo (I know many of us have) I would highly recommend it, which is why I’m jumping on this new addition to their offerings. (There’s also a new Mondo Beyondo class starting Aug 30)
If anyone wants to join me in the Dream Lab, please let me know, but I’ll be sharing some of the activities here on my blog over the coming weeks. (it kicks off next week)
What are some of the ways you rest and take time out? Do you go to the spa, the gym, go for a walk, or like me to fully re-charge, have to take yourself completely out of your regular environment, sometimes even leave your town or country!
i bet coming from the corporate world, it is hard for you to slow down! and i think being self employed sorta makes that hard to do– when does the work day truly end? well, best of luck!
Hello Louise! Thanks for posting this, I am quite busy right now and have not looked into this class with Mondo Beyondo, but I will be checking it out, sounds to be exactly what I need.
You have asked what we do to rest and take time out…well sadly I cannot even come up with an answer to that. I am sure that means I need to reflect on this and come up with some answers. Thanks for the prompt because I clearly needed it!
i've been thinking of joining Dream Lab but my $$ budget is so tight these days =-(…
i wish i could share what i do to relax but i haven't 'relaxed' for sometime even with the cold i caught recently!! i can say i'm usually knitting or reading for relaxation, both of which i am missing these days…
Hi Louise! I know exactly what you are talking about! I am in the thick of busyness most days. I can't say I do anything to rest…I'm terrible at that. Even when I try to sit to watch a movie, I'm usally doing a few other things at the same time! A continuous work in progress!
Baths. That is my absolute, number 1, favourite way to rest. Whenever I get caught up in busy mode, and start to circle into non-stop, a bath always soothes and brings me back to balance.
I was going to sign up for Dream Lab but decided that I actually needed a rest from e-courses for a little while. I'm very much hoping they'll run it again so I can join in when the time is right. I'll be looking forward to hearing about your experience of it.
yes! a bath is a great way to relax, preferably with some candles burning and a class of wine close by 😉
but sometimes when I need to relax it means leaving town (or the state, or the country!) to get out of sight of all the things that need doing. the beach and the mountains both inspire me to breathe deeply and think clearly. and having my camera in hand allows me to really see and feel my environment.
then again, sometimes all i need is a play date with my puppy and I'm refreshed and ready to go. and of course having support from like minded friends always helps when things get their craziest! 🙂 thanks for sharing your journey Louise!
I know what you mean in many ways.. But what I am learning is that you have to take care of yourself and take time to play and to rest, if you don't then it saps your mental, physical and spiritual energy and you can't give to the rest of your life as well.. It's like if you were on a plan and the oxygen masks came down, you are to put yours on first so you can take care of those around you.. If you find that you thrive off of lists and to do's then schedule in the time to just veg, or to play or get a manicure etc..
Hi Louise
Well I'd love to say I'd always choose the 'to the beach' over the 'to work' sign, but I am working on it (maybe 'to work on the beach' is a good compromise!).
To relax I am a hot bath girl, or going for a long cycle and getting fresh air, having a cup of tea -can't wait to share one soon!
Dream Lab looks cool but I'm a bit e-coursed out at the moment. Going to take some time to work on this stuff myself I think
Look forward to seeing what bubbles up in your dream lab!
how wonderfully interesting that this need for "rest" is on our minds…cathy (tinniegirl) posted about it too. we are indeed soul sisters are we not? i am just like you my dear…go go go go go.
to unwind i go to a place i know that is very quiet and reverent and forget the outside world. focussing on the things in life that are truly important and everlasting for me.
enjoy your weekend my dear.
louise….hey sweetie!
i like you find it a challenge to let go of my lists and "things i need to be doing" mind hold. the best thing i can do is get out of the house. to many work distractions here. i guess its good that we like our job, but stepping back for perspective can garner in so many inspirations. thanks for reminding. go ahead, play girl.
love ya!