My 12 year corporate job is near the end and I’m definitely in some kind of holding pattern right now, cant go back, cant move forward. Of course the rest of the world is just whizzing by me and I’m feeling a feeling I really cant describe. Bit like the scene in many movies where you are standing still in a train station and everyone is at speed walking past in a blur.
I cant seem to find equilibrium, peace, balance or focus.
Then I FOUND this quote a friend posted this morning.
“Every progression is followed by a short period of regression, it is basic wave theory and human nature. Do not be discouraged. It merely means you’re doing something right. When it happens, recognize what is occurring, pause, and then redirect yourself back in the direction you were moving in. Awareness is the first step”
So today, im going to be kind to myself, be aware and do something for our stranded Brits here in NYC because of that volcano! So most bizarrely will be standing in the middle of Times Square with a bunch of red/white/blue helium balloons tonight at 6pm. Our expat group are going to be the friendly faces to offer support to those who come along.

Tomorrow I hope to be balanced again

Great quote. Just keep it in mind and take deep breaths. Balance will find you soon, my friend.
I have been here so many times. You always know deep down what you want/need to do, but sometimes practicality sweeps in and messes up the thinking.
Keep putting the intention out there and vision what you wish for. You are doing so well. Your site and energy are very inspiring.
That is a super quote. Hang in there and take alot of deep breaths. Look for the positives as much as you can. Crazy, but it WILL get you through. I can testify to that in all of my own personal experiences.
first off…i adore that pic of you!!!! LOVE IT!!!
secondly…i love the quote and this is one i will be writing down and posting up so i can see it!
thirdly…trust your path….you are on it…stay your course….it's gonna be SOOOOOOOO good!!!!!!
sending love and hugs
Oh Louise…I am with you! The ups, the downs, the in betweens… Just know that none of these stages are long lasting…you will find your focus again. Until then, just try to enjoy the unknown and be open to ALL the beautiful, AMAZING opportunities that await you! Your path is yours alone. And it will be AWESOME! It already is! SO PROUD of you for making a decision that will lead you to where your heart and soul already is. xox
Hi Louise. You have come so far and are so brave! These feelings are all part of this big change you are going through and will soon pass. I hope you are already feeling a bit more balanced today.
p.s. cute photo and great quote 🙂
Hi Louise, I am sure it is difficult to turn the offical corner away from a desk job. But you have lots of people rooting you on as you go, so just think of all of us cheering you along when you feel lost.
I can only speak from my own experience and that is to say be kind and give yourself months of grace to settle into the new way of being (if it takes less than months, then happy days!). You know you don't want to go back… you are in the right place!
Dear Louise, hang in there! Its only a temporary phase and will pass. Once you leave, you'll never look back!! Wishing you all the best! 🙂
I love this quote. It's just perfect for me right now.
Hope your balance is returning.