I wholeheartedly believe our artist community helps change lives and this has certainly been an amazing realization of mine since I started my own blog last year and met so many wonderful people, both online and in person. The recent retreat to An Artful Journey was like the Oasis of the virtual blogging world, where we all took a long taste of how amazing it is to create solidly for 3 days amongst gorgeous women who are heavy in heart, full of love, talented and so thoughtful. I felt like I had come home during that time away. Thank you to all my new found creative allies and to Chrissy for the photo above.
Growing community and supporting each other is something I’ve been longing to nurture…in doing so, I have added my “Dream, Inspire, Create” badge to many sites out there to help grow my own creative links, spread the love and also grow my own creative dream. So I’m pleased to announce, that I’m opening up Sponsorship space on my blog which will enable anyone who is growing a creative dream or business to get more exposure and support from me and also the great community we are building together. Sponsors get a space on the right hand side, a blog post announcement (aswell as on facebook too)and other opportunities we can also discuss based on whether you want to grow your website, blog or shop.
So I’m pleased to introduce and extend a warm welcome to my two new sponsors
Lisa Ferrante is a mixed media artist based in New Jersey, check out her Etsy store, where you will find some gorgeous paintings of girlies, so delightful, colourful and inspiring. Lisa will also be offering a giveaway next month on my blog so watch this space.
My second sponsor is Amelia Critchlow. Amelia is offering an e-course exploring art methods in an experimental way. Next start date is MONDAY 19th APRIL, so sign up fast as space is limited.
Wishing you all a wonderfully creative week. If you are interested to find out more about sponsorship, please contact me at louise@britcreative.com
That is so great Louise. Your recent
newsletter was so wonderful. It is great to see your dreams coming true. Your video was wonderful! I love watching the artist at work. Thanks for all of the inspiration!
Warm wishes,
wow. you ARE blossoming my beautiful british friend.
oh how i love it.
This is SO great!!!!!
I truly admire you and your drive and your creativity!
you inpsire!!
girl, you ROCK! you are definitely a 'creative beast' and i think your buzz words for 2010 should be the ones on your blog:
that's what you do and what you are: an inspiration =-)
it's true, it's so inspiring to see people fulfilling their creative dreams!
Thanks for the great post!
Speak soon,
Hi- I came over from Amelia Critchlow's blog…your artful retreat sounds amazing- I want to do it!! But it sounds like it's in America 🙁
Good luck to you , I look forward to reading more of your posts!