Okay so im a little behind in setting my intentions down on paper for 2010, but after next weekend I would have spent the first twelve days contemplating, dreaming and planning and I’ll have my vision board completed so I feel that going slow now to go fast later is okay! 😉
So I’m VERY excited to be starting the Mondo Beyondo ecourse on Monday on dreaming big… I’ve already started to write down some big dreams which I will share (not quite ready yet!) and one of the exercises Andrea and Jen gave the class before we start was to choose a word for 2010 which I think is a fabulous idea! Drum roll plllleeeaassse…
I have chosen “Jump!” or more like “Leap” or “Leap Fearlessly” or “Leap Courageously”… okay so that’s more than one word and now you can probably all visualize me jumping in the air! but I think you can get where I’m going with this. Want to give it a go? There is a great tool to help you think through what you want your word to be, triggers or blockers and also to dream big, so as outlined in Christine Kane’s “ word of the year worksheet” these were the words that I think best described what this year will be. Two of the many questions asked of me were:
Why is this a perfect word for this year?
After a promising start in 2009, this is the year for me to take more courage to follow my dreams…. I’m always trying to do far too much and as we all know this means 100% of ourselves split between all those things which = lots of effort but something probably has to suffer and you cant make EVERYTHING you are doing at the same time a success (unless of course you don’t sleep), so I need to Leap Fearlessly into what I want and also jump away from the things that are not fulfilling my life or contributing those small steps to get to where I want to be. (sound familiar?)
If you were to live this word daily throughout the year, how would your life be different one year from today? What would you have created or attracted? How would you feel?
One year from now, I would be focused and living the life I believe is possible, (which for some reason I’m scared to go for right now!) I would have created and built real connections with a community of artists, taught and shared techniques with others, exhibited, sold and licensed work, attracted people and opportunities to grow, explore and learn. I would feel inspired, admired (for my courage) and most of all an example that dreams can be made a reality, a success.
I will be working on part 2 (Awareness and Elimination, know your triggers) and of course part 3 “Dream Big – Know Your Vision” over the next few weeks, so I’m excited! Cant wait to share.
So dear virtual friends, WHAT IS YOUR WORD FOR 2010?
Hello luv! 🙂 What a fantastic post, makes me jump for joy, in my mind if not literally!
Terrific word! SO interesting to read about your dreams, your motivations and your thoughts around this.
I also enjoy reading about the Mondo Beyondo course, and VERY much hope to get more reports as the class progresses!?
And YES, the part about focusing, as a person with tons of ideas and interested in inspirations, is very familiar and something I'm working on just now for my self! And what you say about resistance too… or being scared of fulfilling a dream or carrying out an idea… Again something that happened to me just now and again, despite my attempts to focus and carry on….
I admire you already and I'm so glad we met in the fish bowl!
Much love!
I love that you are dreaming big and sharing this with us Louise. I love that you have more then one word. I don't have a word yet but like you I believe I will have a few different ones. It is great to be fearless and take that jump to dream big. Eliminating what isn't contributing that dream is a great and important step. This sounds like a great course. Good luck with it.
Jump! I like it. I need a word of the year too, I think, after reading this post. It wouldbe a great focal point.
That's so awesome! I am doing the MB course right now too, but found you randomly through a meetup notification! I am so keen to try mixed media, I never have and think it looks like so much fun! Cheers!