Start Your Art – Your Free Gifts!

Please find below all your FREE GIFTS I am offering for taking my lesson for Start Your Art! Enjoy! If you have any questions, please contact me at 

Gift #1 – A downloadable rainbow visualisation MP3 audio where we will journey through all the colors of the rainbow. Download this PDF WORKSHEET to record your thoughts from the meditation.

Gift #2 – A short video and pdf on coloring techniques using coloring pencils. Download this pdf on Coloring Notes.

Gift #3 – A downloadable mandala design for you to color in using the color or colors that spoke to you the most during the audio!

Download your printable mandala template below
US Letter

Gift #4 – A short video watching me color in a mandala.

Color wheel inspiration, color theory and using color harmony pdf (also included as a download for your free lesson for Start Your Art)

Bonus: Join my Free Creative Library! As a subscriber to my mailing list, I offer some resources to inspire you! Below is how to access the free area.

Please note: I am in the middle of upgrading my Learning Portal, so all free classes and online learning will be back in early NOVEMBER 2020! As you joined my special Start Your Art mailing list, I will be in touch very soon with information on how to access!

Louise xx