Week 1: Explore and Awaken
Our first week is spent exploring how color is used around us in our everyday lives. The associations, meanings, collecting and creating color stories and themes.
Week 2: Color your Senses
Give your senses a little work out this week. We will awaken each sense through color assignments and exploration, heightening your whole self to bring more color into every aspect of your life.
Week 3: Visualize, Energize & Create.
This week, we use audio color enhanced meditations and visualizations to soak ourselves in a different color each day. Bask in each color and see a burst in energy emerge as you visualize, energize and create. (this week includes 7 posts, 7 visualization and 7 challenges)
Virtual Exhibition: Color your World
Take everything you have learned to fill your world with more color than ever. You will have an opportunity to use the rest of August to create to your hearts content. Then have your artwork showcased on the CreativeColorStories virtual gallery in our end of class virtual exhibition. (to run from Sept onwards).
ONLY $65 !
(please note: you will re-directed to paypal to pay and complete your registration.
One week before class begins, you will receive login instructions and all the extra juicy information to get you started)
The e-course is hosted in a private members only area with lessons Mon-Fri (week 3 is 7 days) for 3 weeks. There is also a private community area to share photos and artwork and an opportunity to have your “Color Stories” artwork showcased in a virtual exhibition at the end of August through September.
See the world in a whole new hue.