I am VERY excited to join over 30 holistic-minded artists, healers and visionaries on a 10 month Visual Journaling Workshop experience called Spectrum! Woohoo!

Registration is open HERE and we start in March 2014.

I have been longing to be part of a collaborative offering {I was getting ready to put this call out into my 2014 vision board} and was so happy when the universe answered my call with an email from the lovely Hali Karla. When Hali said it was my sheer devotion to nature, color and energy that draw her to invite me to join this program, I was absolutely thrilled!

What excites me the most for everyone who will join us is the diverse line-up of artist, herbalists, healers, energy workers, shamanic practitioners, dancers, therapists, coaches, photographers, word-weavers, yoginis, drummers, nutritionists and heart-tenders! WOW! Honestly, I AM BLOWN AWAY with all the beautiful souls who will be guiding all in this journey next year.

LARGE_spectrumbuttonWe will be celebrating our Art-Body-Nature connection, creating a visual guide devoted to awakening, exploring, deepening and celebrating wisdom within all of us.

This journey is about connecting with:

BODY as guide and ally,
ART as intuitive, expressive oracle,
and NATURE as provider of love, lesson, abundance and belonging.

Each month’s pdf will contain workshops & activities from 2-4 of the talented contributors + an in-depth workshop with Hali Karla to facilitate the creation of your unique Spectrum Visual Journal. The pdf will include instructional video & audio, supportive content, and tantalizing visuals by the artists, healers and visionaries that make up the Spectrum 2014 Collective. These guides will be packed with pure love and inspiration!


Image from Hali Karla

Below is the wonderful schedule of offerings each month and I will be part of the October offering “SENSE”.

October 15 :: SENSE (our senses will lead our play, attachment and detachment, pleasure, perception, illusion, craving, orientation, groundless & grounded, making connections)

11 month plan SpectrumI will be sharing my specific class in lots more detail in December, and wanted to share this exciting news asap as there is also an early bird discount if you sign up before December 16th.

Spectrumearlybird price

I really hope you will join me and all of these beautiful souls in 2014. More information about the program, each of the guides and to register, please visit Hali’s Spectrum class page here