I love the flow and movement of this piece
One of the exercises I love in the Creative Colour Energy class is the intuitive mandala. Here are two of my own using the crown chakra energy meditation, some acrylic, collage and gel pens.
Would you like to embark on a colour adventure, play with mixed media, and learn about the 7 levels of energy?
Through audio colour meditations, videos & prompts, we dig deeper into each colour and the associated level of energy. We will explore and play through:
- colour vision journaling/colour stories
- mixed media, {paint, print, collage} and
- photography
learn more here.
Would you like to explore the sacred circle and mixed media mandalas further? I would love for you to join me to dive deeply in the 4 week “Mixed Media Mandalas” online class.
By the end of class, you will have a journal full of sacred circles and at least one finished mixed media piece of artwork to hang on your wall.