Hello creative friend! ❤️ I hope all is fabulous with you!
So much arty goodness going on at the moment and lots to share over the coming weeks..including a peek into my new Botanical Drawing Book, a new Color Class AND more!
Look out for my newsletter FULL of arty updates this coming weekend!
Today, I just wanted to pop into your inbox to invite you along to the Art & Spirituality Summit I have been invited to be part of, sharing a FREE Art Lesson. The online event begins on Monday, June 19! I took part last year and absolutely loved it.
I will be sharing a FREE ART LESSON on creating mini color energy portal paintings AND there are 20 other presenters sharing amazing sessions! Check them all out HERE.
Register HERE for FREE access from June 19-25. If you love the sessions or want to work through them all in your own time, you also have the option to purchase the WHOLE SHEBANG for only $55.55 here.
Join me to intuitively paint inside a circle. We let the watercolor dance inside the sphere to form shapes and patterns. We will then intuitively add our own marks using white and gold pens to create our own personal color energy portals in Indigo and Violet.
You can use these as a simple art making practice, to mediate or to use as backgrounds for your projects. You can add affirmations to create mini cards and go on to create in all colors of the chakras.
These are a little warm-up for my brand new Color Energy Class coming in July! (and there is a special discount for you for that full class with so much more if you like to work with color!)
At the end of my free lesson, you will have a beautiful selection of mini warm-up paintings in Indigo and violet.
There will also be a discount for my upcoming 8 week Color Energy Art class which goes live in July and dives much deeper into Color Energy Painting using cards, affirmations, symbols, prompts and more!
When you join the summit and also sign up for the special list I have included with the lesson, you also get FREE access to some yummy journal pages I created for Indigo and Violet!
So, please join me for this FREE event and create your mini paintings OR just use the lesson to guide you for some watercolor meditation play! All you need is some mixed media/watercolor paper, watercolors and a pen!
Love Louise xx