I am sooooo excited!

Yes, just 6 days until the newest offering from Do What you Love starts

The “art & business of surface pattern design – featuring Rachael Taylor” begins next Monday November 14th. WOOHOO.

I am so super excited for many reasons, but mostly because an interview with me will be featured in module 1 when we talk about my recent work with color AND because surface pattern design a long time dream seed that is now ready to be nurtured and fed so it can grow.

Those of you who have been following my blog for a while know how I love messages from the universe and believe that visioning your dreams and life is so important. It enables us to tap into who we are and live our life purpose and passion and I really do believe the universe sends us little snippets of encouragement and messages all the time – it’s whether we listen or not. I am also a huge believer that once dream seeds are planted, they find a way of finding you when the time is right to flourish and bloom. [oh yes!].

So I can feel the universe is telling me it is time and I am listening.

So here is a little story………

When I was 16, I went to art school and studied art & design. I explored drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, photography and many other mediums. I always wanted to be a surface pattern designer and even when I didn’t get into ANY of the surface pattern design courses I applied for at university, I went on to study ceramic design. I LOVED this course as I could get my hands messy, making plaster models and mouldmaking (I recently reconnected with plaster as a medium to work with too!). I also got to play with surface pattern design for my ceramics so was in my element.

Then something happened.

After I left university, in my early 20’s. I let “the voices” tell me I wasn’t good enough and didn’t explore the world of design or art as a career. Instead I traveled, lived in Australia and moved from job to job – searching for “something”. I would find small ways to be creative, but never thought I could make it part of my everyday life AND earn a living from it! (oh how times have changed) Life WAS good and I had so many adventures, so of course there were NO regrets at all, but the little niggle inside of me continued, so I continued to “search”…..knowing something just wasn’t quite right. Which is what brought me to the USA in 2004 – on a new adventure.

“Dream” lino print pattern from art school (1990)
(yes i loved swirls even back then!)

Now at 38, it’s really funny when I look back being able to see all the routes and paths I took,  the people I met and experiences I had – how it was meant to lead me to where I am now. Living in the USA, pursuing the life I was born to live as an artist and life coach. A “seed” was planted when I was 16, and it was being stored waiting for me to make these small wonder discoveries. I now know that. I now know that my heart always knew the destination.

When I ran my ecourse Big Dreams, Small Wonders for the first time in Jan 2011, (next session starts Jan 9th, 2012 – registration is open here). I also took myself through this favorite process of mine to vision and plan the year ahead. Looking at my “list” now which has been stuck to my studio wall all year amongst other things, lists; “surface pattern”, “fabric design” and “learn illustrator, photoshop” as one of my 2011 goals and dreams.

No matter what your path, I strongly believe those dreams you are meant to live out, the life you are born to live constantly nudges you. The universe is sending us messages and throwing reminders our way, so take some time to stop and listen – when the time is right, you will know when.

Who knows where this artful journey is going to take me next, and to have the opportunity to learn about surface pattern design is a dream come true. Thank you Rachael and Beth!

If like me, if you have ever dreamt of seeing your designs on stationery, fabric, homewares or other products, sharing your art through pattern, and monetizing your designs come join us! Module one starts on Monday November 14th and you can register for all or any of the modules here.

I will be in class, so be sure to say hi if you are too and I cant wait to share my color interview with participants in week 3.

Cant wait to share my journey with you over the coming months (and next year or so!)

My heart is dancing with joy that I am following this path.






*** I just announced the winners of the First Friday Giveaway here. ***