leavescolourstory ©LouiseGale

I am back in the UK for a couple of week and it has been wonderful to explore Autumn here. Crispy leaves on the ground, amazing colours of browns, yellows and reds.

I spent some time adding a new sketch to my Nature Trail Sketchbook to record some of the lovely shapes and colours that are so inspiring during this time of year.



I also felt called to create a mandala from the lovely leaf shapes

leavesmandalaI ©LouiseGale


Join me to create a sketchbook inspired by Nature Trail Walks

This is  a perfect time to capture the new season inspired by nature.

naturetrailsketchbookWe are constantly sharing images and sketches in the Nature Trail Sketchbook class community.

So if you would like to create your own sketchbook full of nature inspired drawings, registration is open all year here.
