Creative color challenge purple, violet

This month i thought let’s liven things up a bit with some spiritual violet and complementary color yellow, with some green thrown in!

If you are new to the Creative Color Challenge, you can check out all the juicy details here and check out the participant showcase here. This is a monthly challenge to prompt us to explore color, combinations of color and lots more! There is some guidance, but this is REALLY ABOUT exploring our creative selves and trying new colors or things as we go along. Finding courage inspiration and joy every month!


  • Create something using any or all of the colours shown above (you can also include white or black in your creation)
  • Use any materials you like to create.
  • The colours don’t need to be 100% exact – the colors are given for guidance
  • Share it in the flickr group here
  • Pop back to my blog on the 28th where I will share mine. I will then invite you all to post a link to your work or blog post about it all and visit everyone who participated. Read more about the challenge and to sign up here


Would you like to have your own colour energy adventure!……?

The class will be limited to only 50 {or less!) lovely participants so we can easily share, discuss and support each other as we travel along.

Registration is open here!


Creative Colour Energy WorkshopWould you like to embark on a colour adventure, play with mixed media, and learn about the 7 levels of energy?

Through audio colour meditations, videos & prompts, we dig deeper into each colour and the associated level of energy. How each colour speaks to us, makes us feel and triggers our creative intuition. You will get exactly what you need from each of the colour sessions. We will explore and play through:

  • colour vision journaling/colour stories
  • mixed media, {paint, print, collage} and
  • photography

learn more here.